6 Answers
Some dissabilities are obvious and some are not. No one is perfect. You have to make the most of things even if it is difficult. Overcoming our shortcomings makes us a "better who we are" person. Don't judge others for pink or purple hair... celebrate the differences....Would I dye my hair pink or purple? Probably not, but I did dye it orange by accident once...it was hilarious!... so I made the most of it. I had it cut like David Bowie (On the cover of Alladin Sane) and bought a few appropriate outfits...what the heck! I was young and the punk movement was about to begin.
I too have a dissability. It isn't one that you can see but it definitely limits the things that I can do and eat (especially eat). It can be embarrassing at times but I work around it. The challenge has become the adventure. I feel so much better about my every day because I have found solutions to my inherent difficulties.
Being bitter about things only hurts you. Take it from someone who had to learn the hard way.
Take baby steps. Not one single person is a perfect person... think about it... not even the people we see on television or in the movies...not rock stars, not athletes... Look at Mike Tyson!...now there is a journey or Brittney Spears... I wouldn't want to walk in her shoes. Leonardo deCaprio continues to get older but his girlfriends get younger... what does that say to you?
This life of yours belongs to you. Make the most of you and your life..... And now that I have given you this advise, I am going to make the most of mine.
I wish you all the luck in the world. Embrace the day. It belongs to you.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Surely your work mates understood your condition,did you have a supervisor you can confide in?And also did you come across as friendly to your co-workers they might have picked up on your attitude if you are a bit grumpy etc,i don't believe dissabled people are outcasted,there is a lot of support networks that can provide assistance to suit your needs.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |