    Why are their people going around with weird dyed hair? If you cannot improve on your looks then just except it?

    I am disabled from an accident and I would love to cover it up just to be apart of society and not be left isolated from making decent friends? The only "friends" I've had were bullies or "yobs" This country is getting worse because the rich inerfere with important laws in our society, they just haven't got the full picture so they think they know but have no idea and once the damage is done then the rich sweep it under the carpet instead of sorting it out? 

    +1  Views: 539 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I am so sorry for what has happened to you but if we lived close to each other I would be glad to be your friend. I would not bully you or make fun of you, I would just accept you as you are and go on with life. That is what you need to do hun . Don"t worry about what people think if somone judges you because of the way you look or your disability then they just have problems with who they are and it makes them feel better about themselves. As far as your legal problems I would find me a good lawyer that don"t get a fee unless he wins.God Bless my friend and I pray you will win in all things.


    wow, wonderful answer. Thanks.

    You are stuggling with disabilty, termination of employment, appearance and social policy. You are clearly dealing with multiple disadvantage, this is hard if you do not have a strong support network around you. I would suggest you begin to build support for yourself. Get in touch with a community support group who deal with disabilities, either call them or visit, perhaps you can make contact online. Maybe talk to your Dr about how you are feeling. The only way to change social policy is to use your vote and/or become active in your community. Do not despair, there is help 'out there' if you look for it. As for your employment issue I would suggest legal advice, if you can't do this look at the policies and procedures of the establishment who terminated your employment, if they have not followed what they have set out to adhere to, then make a complaint or maybe start a grievence procedure. All of the above are idea's and suggestions, I am not an expert, but I hope it helps you.

    crabby patty, sounds like you have some problems to resolve. why not try couseling to try and iron out some of this stuff bothering you. crazy people dont go to counseling because they dont realize they need help. smart people do because they know thay cant do it alone and recognize things as they really are. your welcome to talk to us at any time.

    @carmaxalbe is right. You need to fix yourself before you can feel well about anything. I don't know the story behind your dismissal but I'm sure there is more to it. People dying their  hair shouldn't have any impact on your life and I find it silly that you think it does!

    I don't want help in this way? I would appriciate it if you can get my job back because I've been unfairly fire? What can I do in this situation, do I have any leg to stand on?

    I'm just going to reply to the question, and not get involved with the personal issue.
    Why people go around with weird dyed hair is because they can.  WHY they choose to do so is a whole different issues.
    When I color my hair, it is because I am not ready to have white hair.  I enjoy having the light streaks and getting compliments on my "blonde hair" after being a dark brunette for many years. 

    Well your original question has been confused somewhat by additional informatin.

    Why do people have ,to you, weird coloured hair. 

    I take it by this you are not referring to the normal tint and rinse type but the purple, bright red  and multi coloured group.

    Well I can think of a couple of reasons 1) they are totaly insecure in their ability so by their hair they say "Look at me and what I can do"

    2) They are trying to make a statement that they don`t comply with the rest of society but they go and comply with equally antisocial people.

    They tried a do it yourself job and stuffed it up.

    Me, I as white as snow and proud of it, in my mind it shows I have survived some of the most turbulent years of mankind and experienced some of the greatest advances in human inventiveness.

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