    How do you like new change of akaQA?

    +3  Views: 797 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    I don't like the fact that you can't adj. the text or upload a photo anymore.
    The profile page is not as nice.

    I hate it as well and it puts me off doing any more
    How do you cancel your question on this new updated site, I was trying close answered questions and couldnt find close button?

    The admins are still working on getting that option back for us.
    I think I'm there with you Daren1, I have been playing with for past hour now and I dont really like it. But I guess we can get useto it.
    i didnt know there was a change cause im new to this site.
    hate it it totally sucks
    The site looks great but can't find any real improvements.
    It's new, may need some time getting use to it!!!
    Another example of it was'nt broke and did not need fixed. Perhaps a few minor things but this is more diff to follow

    The users were exceeding the bandwidth on the old forum which is why they had to find a new forum to allow for such heavy posting and traffic.
    I think once we get a feel for the new structure it will be great. I was suprised to open and see the new set up but it looks great!

    Hey mom, you look great too! ;-)
    It should have more mouse over visability, where you can hover your mouse over whatever and get more info, ie, who asked, who answered, etc. without having to click on it. Plus a larger list of visable questions and answers.

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