    scanner photos to facebook

    0  Views: 401 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    1-Make sure your scanner is connected to your computer. Usually this is done with a USB cord that connects from the scanner to a USB port on the front or back of your computer. You must also make sure your scanning software is installed on your computer.
    2-Create an easy-to-access folder for your photos. Just right-click on your desktop, click "New" and then "Folder." Name it something simple like "scanned photos."
    3-Scan your photo following the manufacturer's guide. Most scanners do work the same, though. You just place the photo face down onto your scanner and hit the "scan" button. If everything is hooked up right, your photo will appear on your monitor via the scanning program.
    4-Edit your photo accordingly. Most scanning programs have buttons that allow you to crop, brighten or enhance your picture. It's good to crop pictures if your subject takes up a small part of the photo. This will make your file size smaller while still keeping the subject in tact.
    5-Save your picture to your "scanned photos" file. Name your photo something easy instead of the default photo name. When you take more and more photos it can be hard to find the specific one unless you immediately re-name it. 6-After scanning your picture,login in to your facebook account go to your profile and share your picture there.

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