you see whean you tell me bout the kung fu it workedf you .before i mennt you i was i year 7 people piss me off sow i punch the wusses in the face and wac them with a led pipe in tek i got buled so found a hack sax chased hem down the coradoor every one screm like wusses bout that was bad so now i am in year 9 i felt bad so i convert to a muslim from budism dont like budistsm know why the gods in that relgen befor i was a bodest i all so belived in cristen profhets so i convert to a muslim if i teall my mom she will kill me not realy but punch the living day lights out of me my mom dosent like me if i change my realgen onlay acristen + can you healp me i do not whant to punch people becouse you know why theay call me mental schco killer but i have an sesitive felling so pleass healp me well cheerio plus god bless you mate. se ya captin eggplant of all eggplants well go and have some fun.