    how do you keep mice from coming into your home?

    0  Views: 1051 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Plug up all the holes....they run along until they can find a hole that they fit into...if their head fits through the entire body fits through.

    This was told to me by an exterminator so it must be true

    ole hipster

    You are too wise!!!

    our cat does a bang up job he spends all summer on mouse patrol, then all winter on century duty, he loves it , theirs not a mouse to be found ..


    I had a cat named "Mouser" and she was...

    buy an air soft rifle shot the pests dead lol dont do it i wheld use rat or mice pison put a little pice of food with pison dont whant to kill it see the mouse holes bloke with concret or wood or my be metlle bars

    You don:t you just put out traps and poison!


    And check the traps on a regular basis...

    Yep cause if you don"t then they will start to stink and you don"t want that!!

    The plug in device works very well for me,they are not cheap (at least the ones that work) I have two good ones and they do work,they send a sound in the wires in your house that they can't stand so they leave.Sorry "sniper1237" but you are the 1st person on here that I just can't understand what you are saying,just sayin...


    There are sonic devices which send out signals which are not audible to human like those to stop dogs barking contiually but I wonder do they disturb cats. I live in the basement and upstairs have mice but I have two cats and one who comes all the time for food and I never have seen mouse here except once on the work surface under the boiler where there was a gag - I must say I used to feed him cheese - I have resolved this now after finding they fell down under the cupboard and were dead and what a smell Oh My.

    The sonic devices really do work,just don't buy a cheap one.I've used them for years,I have two and I think I paid about 79 dollars for each one,I swear by them.They won't hurt your cat,it does'nt kill the mice,it just makes them go away because they can't stand the sound,not like poison and they die and you can't find them after they are dead is when the smell comes into play.

    Poison outside the house...AND get a good cat...


    My cat won't go near a mouse...just stops and stares.

    That's funny. My cat (Worthless) like to take them apart inside on a rug - any rug will do....

    i got a little mousie in here. ive set traps to no avail. he manages to lick the peanut butter off or steal the cheese!


    camaxable, sounds like you have an educated mouse there, he/she, has done their home work, on how Not to get caught in a trap, and how to lick the peanut butter, and steal cheese, lol. I once had a mouse, or mice,I used to leave poison , which was in form of little green pellets, behind my TV, over four days, the pellets were gone. !! Later I found pellets in corner of old arm chair, under cusion. (mousie, can be very smart, lol)

    If you have no animals or children to worry about, put out poison. 
    Keep your home clean (mice can get into the darndest places.  One time, I opened a drawer that was in a dresser that was in the closet (just go with it), and there in my felt hat was some shredded papers, with baby mice nesting in it.  YUCK. 

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