    What time is a usuall bed time for you guys (and mention time zone...)

    Just on the average... What time do you turn in at night? Do you "cat nap"?

    +13  Views: 1833 Answers: 28 Posted: 13 years ago

    28 Answers

    About 11pm EST. Sometimes take a nap in pm.

    When the wife shouts "Bed time its now 10.45 pm in Scotland one hour to go .You will hear her "Shout get your ear plugs in.


    nite nite xxxx

    Hm...reminds me of when I was going to boot camp in the Navy.

    Around 10:30 11 p.m. EST

    ole hipster

    Hey there RP!.....good to "see" you old timer...I trust that you and yours are fine and well (or a semblance of same)....stay with us my friend...we're dropping like flies!...(:
    Headless Man

    I'm still here, just not as much, making some life changes.
    ole hipster

    I hope those life changes are great ones and successful...take care!...(:

    10:30 give or take... I nap on the days I wake up too early....I'm in C.S.T.


    Isn't a cat nap wonderful? Heaven? Bliss?

    i heavent had a good nights sleep in years to anxious i guess. .. but i try to hit the hay aroun 11pm est.

    I usually flake out watching TV at about 7:30PM.Wake up around 9:00 Pm,do what has to be done then go to bed.I rise at around 4:30 Am every morning out of necessity so it seems like a long day.It's 2:05 PM EST (Aust).right now.

    Usually somewhere between 2300-0100 hours GMT+2

    errr, what is a catnap? 


    A catnap is a short rest period, usually doesn't even last an hour.....oftentimes unscheduled. Like you were reading and fell asleep for 20 minutes......

    After the TV announcer (Chinese) says at 11:45 pm (PST) , "Now it is mid-night, please tune down the volumn of your TV."

    country bumpkin

    Does the announcer also tell you when you're allowed to change the channel or get up and go to the bathroom? HA-HA!
    ole hipster

    Too cool Benchong!

    Yes, country bumpkin, if I pay a special service fee. LOL.

    CST...Chicago here....wish I could nap..I'm lucky to be able to sleep..have been an incurable insomniac almost all of my life....even before health issues have forced to keep me up!...(:

    Every night, I sleep at 9:30 PM. I don't cat-nap. I'll leave that for the Nannas out there. I'm in New South Wales, Australia.


    what time is it where you are? It's 11:40pm here

    It's 2:55 PM.

    10:30 ish EDST. Get up anywhere from 3am to 6am, and often catnap in afternoon.


    Flip, that catnap sounds good, I try that too sometimes

    Around the 10.30 11pm mark in Queensland Ausbloodystralia.


    Wow.I can't last that long.I'm up at 4:30AM.

    Usually 12 midnight,  Eastern Daylight Saving Time, sometimes around 11:30pm.  Sometimes I'll catch a cat nap during the evening around 7pm.


    Lolove xx

    Love you a lot.


    Usually around 12 midnight New york time. Do take a snooze now and then, depends how bad the night before was. (Hang over)

    Im night Owl, most nights Im here from about 11pm, till about 5am, GMT. Im supposed to be watching TV, from about 7pm, but  often when I get settled in my chair, its TV watching me. napping.! Lovely nap.

    Pacific Standard TIme (and we enjoy Daylight Savings').  Ideally, I would be in bed and falling asleep by 12:05 A.M.   UNfortunately, I am usually up until 2:30-4:00 A.M., especially if I get started here (addictive, you know). 
    Yawn......then I am exhausted all day long.  
    itsmee and I are going to have to meet for decaf at Denny's sometime soon.

    2:30-3:30 AM   Pacific Time Zone     Terrible. Even with this I have to take "sleeping tablets" I don't nap but sometimes I just kinda fall over  safely and have a cat nap.

    2:30-3:30 AM   Pacific Time Zone     Terrible. Even with this I have to take "sleeping tablets" I don't nap but sometimes I just kinda fall over  safely and have a cat nap.

    For me, I typically go to bed around 3:00 AM. On the off-chance that I fall asleep earlier, I find myself waking up at 3:00 AM. That was usually the time I had to get up and start getting ready for work. I honestly don't think I've gotten over 4 hours of sleep a night in the last decade. I live in the EST zone of the U.S..


    Here in Germany you would be called a "Nachteule", translated > a night Owl just like Dollybird.

    Hi West-bus, I love the quiteness of the night.

    I try to go to sleep at about 11:00 east coust US time but I usually sit up watching TV cause I cant sleep , I think I need hormone replacement!!!!!


    Or the love of a good person. !

    I sleep any time I can, Ive done shift work for over 20 years, so really don't have a schedule for anything (except work) on night shifts I'd be lucky to get 3 hours through the day, tonight  I'll be home about midnight and hopefully asleep by 2 or 3am, if I have early starts I often take something to help me sleep, I'm also in aus..NSW

    i go to bed at midnight uk time, after watching a good movie

    1:00 AM,  EST

    Never nap it's against my nature...sleep when I sleep...insomniac...

    It depends on my pain level...there is usually one night a week that I sleep through the night...the rest is on and off.  Sometimes I toss and turn until 5-6am then, as you might imagine, I sleep in.

    go to bed 9pm central time,wake up at 3am central. oops time to get up.

    3:00 A.M. EST as you can tell I don't require much sleep.

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