    A person asks a question but does not allow you to answer the question.

    The person talks over you and repeats herself over and over again.

    +4  Views: 860 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    It takes a man to walk a way ! (or woman)

    I just talk louder until I have their attention and then finish with a lower voice. I hold up my index finger to keep them quiet. If they continue to talk, I walk away...

    Sounds like she is all for herself,she might like the sound of her own voice.Don't be in her company if this annoys you.

    Are you speaking about my brothers wife


    Maybe. The world is riddled with them.

    I just walk away from people like that and let them talk to themselves.

    ""Perhaps she has a case of obsessive compulsive disorder.



    Equally as bad is when the other person wont let you finish asking a question.

    Is not sincere and not worth listening to...

    Start whistling a tune you like & turn your back on her.


    Nice! Unfortunately I can't whistle. I'll have to SING. That will send them on their way.

    Hahaha Itsmee.

    That person has a mental problem. Maybe Altzheimers. A person with Altzheimers would repeat themselves and be very annoying.  Like bluesman said, "Some people are just broken" Be careful. I sure wouldn't want to be around a person like that. If it's a relative, you have a problem. 

    Some people are just broken . Walk away , Some women are very disturbed and quite possibly dangerous . Best to sleep with one eye open around these women.Life is too short to be wasteing time on morons and unplesant people . Man eating ,soul sucking ,she devils, need to be left at the curb with the trash .


    hmmmmm .... you started with a true understanding of the human condition and then you blast the 'morons' to the trash.

    Really gotta wonder if there is really a question or she just likes hearing herself talk.  I know people like this.    I would be tempted to ask her if the question is rhetorical or if she is really interested in hearing an answer.   If she really wants a response, give it to her, but if she starts interrupting, I'd look her straight in the eye and tell her in a sincere and gentle manner that she asked a question and I need her to let me finish giving her the answer.  If she doesn't really want an answer, and you are annoyed, I would tell her in the nicest way possible that I get confused when she asks a question that she doesn't want me to answer.  I'd ask her what she wants me, as a friend, to do or say when this happens.

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