    how to put a cat on a diet

    +2  Views: 441 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    my son has his cat on a diet. he uses cat diet food,gives only controlled amts daily. ask the vet. overwt cats can become diabetic.

    Stop the treats.....stop giving too much wet food....make sure the cat eats his or her dry food....I know it's easy to spoil and pamper our beloved pets but sometimes that is really not doing them any favors! I once had an acquaintance who had a chihuahua that was so obese that the poor things belly just dragged on the ground and believe me when I say that this poor thing did not look too awfully happy nor healthy!


    I made my cat fat accidentally. I am sad about it. The owner of the pet store suggested this special kind of protein that came in a paper container. The cat loved it and became totally addicted to it. I didn't see the weight pile on.
    The cat had a foul temperament and the" good-for-her protein" was the only time she was at peace. She got so so fat.
    It makes me sad to think about it.

    Cats are more likely to be fat if they are house cats - do not get the exercise. So easy to have a fat cat we love them so we overfeed them. In the UK you can get dry food for this Science diet expensive but can be ordered and delivered in 5kg 1okg bags from Nutracare cheaper in the long run) for fatties oral care and nutrition - difficult though as they do like the wet food - much easier with dry food but must have plenty of water. Do not do what I do and leave food down all the time - since i am at home I feel like a feeding machine - know how wifes feel now. Better to just leave the food morning and evening. Cats are so fussy, I spend more time in the superstore at the cat department than any other.   


    We have Science diet here too. Sold only through a veterinarian.

    I currently hang out in the cat food aisle too. My cat eats the most expensive food in the store-Medley's. Right now I'm looking at Tender Turkey Prima Vera. Fortunately she is not fat but it cost $70.00 a month to feed her! (Way too much for our budget) We are powerless to make a change.

    Don't feed it as much

    I recently read that it takes a cat one year to lose one pound... I've got a FAT cat, too....


    Good luck, jhharian, read my post above.

    Itsmee, I know where you are coming from - I have said shop arond - avoid the Vets.

    Colleen you are right it is from the VET but some pet stores stock it here. The superstores dry food is not necessarily good - much better dry food Science Diet as I am not in the States - needs to be shopped around. Vets are more expensive but as I said it is cheaper in the long run - cats just often eat the jelly and leave the rest. It does take some getting used to by the cat if not given as a kitten but can be mixed initially. 


    Istee see my answer to Colleen I hope it can be of help VETS sre really expensive I know let alone the cost of cat food.I will however, add that cats can go without food for longer than you think - would you belive a Doctor told me recently they can go without food for approx. 20 days - so difficult for the owners though - a very reliable Doctor.Try half portions for a while and if you get the Science Diet incorporate it with it.Try Coley frozen fillets only minute in microwave and chicken slices in the UK quite cheap 20 for £2.00. They really like these for a time as I said fussy.

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