    how to repair a marriage between man and women?

    +2  Views: 669 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Well for starters, you put man (singular) and women (plural) get the marriage down to only one woman.

    ; )

    I'm too tired to play marriage counselor tonight. Hopefully someone else has more energy than I. I have a lot of thoughts about this but no desire to type it all out. Sorry.

    repair? What was the damage? Try therapy, it helps get to the bottom of the issue and brings out the truth, and the true feelings. Plus there is someone there to monitor you both, not to pick sides, but to help you understand the pain each is feeling. If you can not value your partner and his/her feelings, get a divorce. Your wasting your spouse's time. There isn't a quick fix. It took time to break the marriage, it will take time to repair it. This isn't a toy you can glue back together. It will take work and commitment.  If you can not afford therapy, try group therapy, or go to your preacher. If you do not go to church, there are some preacher that will meet with you regardless. If this doesn't work out.

    Pour your heart out, tell everything, how you feel, etc... And listen to everything your spouse has to say without interrupting. It doesn't matter if you agree, it's their feelings not yours! Listen. Accept how your spouse feels. Ask your spouse for the same consideration. Listen!

    Have a date night, bring flowers, where's the romance? Do things together, that you have never done before. Give more quality time to your spouse. Get a project going together. It doesn't matter what it is, work together, bond.

    Good Luck!


    Good stuff. Thanks ;)

    Talk, touch and laugh together.Big subject. 

     I don't think "repair" is a very encouraging word to use in reference to marriage.   I tend to think of an automobile that has been in an accident or not received regular maintenance.  Sometimes the accident or the lack of maintenance renders the car inoperable.  You can keep it, but it's never going to function properly, if at all.  Certainly you can't trust it to be reliable.
    Is this the marriage you are trying to repair?

    There's only one way to a happy marriage....... and as soon as I learn what that is I'll do it!!

    Try reading the book 'Men are from Mars, women are from Venus' by John Gray.

    Is this your own marriage we are talking about? Then get counseling, if it is someone else, butt out...

    I would suggest two of you go on a 7 to 10 days cruise.  You will just enjoy the around the clock food, shows, games, singing, dancing, swimming, workout......  You forget your troubles and problems.  You recollect your beautiful memories of first dating.  I am sure you will get back your romance on the love boat.  All tlhe best.


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