    Most awaited day of the week and why...

    +6  Views: 1029 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    Doesn't matter. Any day of the week I have to work, but it is very flexible for me.


    same here Pamela except this weekend! :-)

    I do look forward Fridays as it is the start of the weekend

    Monday, everyone has the blues.

    Tuesdays they are trying to get their swing back

    Wednesday, hump day, still stores are closed 1/2 day, in this part of the south.

    Thursday, great day.

    Friday hectic, everyone is in a hurry to end the day for the weekend.

    Saturday working/cleaning up at home.

    Sunday, lazy boring day, everything is closed, no where to go. Nothing on TV but football/basketball/car races. Horrible day.

    Thursday best day of the week, This is the best time to travel, go out have some fun. Traffic isn't to bad, everything is open, and the world is my oyster!


    I don't quibble.  I like every day.

    Sunday - to worship and sing with church members.

    FRIDAY !!!!!!!,  End of the work week. WEEK END STARTS, YEA !!!!!!

    Saturdays because that's when all the good cooking shows come on....

    I like Thursdays - but I know it is a cliche but we should enjoy everyday if not every minuute where possible - existentialism.

    TUESDAY!   I get to bowl with good friends in a competitive legue on Tuesday.  I LOVE bowling.

    sunday as well... i survived another weekend.. favourite T.V shows are on that night.

    As a young bloke it was "PAY DAY" or as we say in Australia "The day the eagle shits" Don`t ask me what a eagle shitting has to do with pay day but that truthfully was what we called it.
    Now I am no longer a "young bloke" every day is a bonus and again don`t ask me why but I am looking forward to the 29th February 2012 when I turn 80, even sounds silly to me but I am looking forward to turning 80.
    Of course my being a Leap Year baby and only having a "birthday" every four years means I will actualy only be 20

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