    I had the most embarrassing conversation with my Daughter.... Can you guess what it was?

    I dont know if the powers that be would want me posting the conversation....


    So many of you are curious... And I have been told I wont get suspended.... LOL


    My daughter was looking thew my dresser for clothes that I have out grown that she may be able to wear....

    She found my  "toy"... She held it up waving it in the air and ask "what is this"... I said, "ummm dont worry about that put it back it is mine, you dont need to know. She skook it at me and said, " tell me what it is"!.... I said, "it is a sex toy".

    She said "ewww... I feel gross". She washed her hands. She came out of the bathroom and asked what do I did with it. I told her,  i was not going to talk about it. Then she asked again. So, I asked "what do you think?" She said,"It looks like one of those things that you use so you don't get pregnant". I told her "d oyou mean a condom? No,but you cant get pregnant with it"....

    I thought she had dropped it... I was wrong. She asked agian "what do you do with it"? I told her was not going to tell her. What does she think.... she came back with..... "Well, I guess if you were REALLLLLLY lonely".

     I almost fell over! I said. "yes I suppose theat is right". She said, "Ummmm, you dont do that while me and Stone are at school do you"? I told her that was something that I used only when I was intimate with 'Daddy'.

    What would you have said?

    +5  Views: 1101 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    How old is your daughter ?And Jenn did you end up revealing your habit?

    She is 11... And no I did not... LOL

    15 Answers

    I can imagine.


    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    Reminds me of the time my 11 year old son found my "LOVE DOLL". ;)

    Just kidding.

    ok, i had a niece wanting to date a black kid.I said HELL NO after i investigated his background. Aggravated sexual assault, theft at 18 years old. She seems to think she cant find any good guys , so she hangs around trashy people , that happen to be black. So i checked on them and they all four were arrested on theft charges at 18. They are gone now since i threatened to call their probation officer and have them tested for marijuana. They reeked of it.  I am going to protect her by telling her she has a confidence problem by hanging around these type of people. I told her the type of guys she wants to go out with, wont want to go out with her because of who she has been dating. Its sad but true. So she will have to go meet new friends that dont know her , and it will be better for her to meet new people anyway. So everybody can give me all the trouble you want, i will not allow it neither will her parents too. By the way, if they were white , wouldnt have made a difference, i still wouldnt want her to be around some trashy redneck dope smoking , idiots.. That robert is what i call opposite human.  She is free to date any decent guy she wants, but knowing i will check on them for background.


    Can you move to a community that you may like better? My personal zeal for geographic solutions is because I found that it works for me. Of course 10 moves in 6 years at an early age, dodging problems and going for up-grades takes a toll. But survival like that teaches a person how to make new friends and that change can be a good thing. But that’s been my experience.

    You are a loving and careing parent. I admire you for that, and so will your daughter.

    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    Was it about sex ?  Did she want to know what you and her dad did together sexually speaking ? Did she want to know if you and her dad had sex before you were married,or at least engaged ?

    You don't have to tell her that stuff, you know.


    My kids both know I was pregnant with my son when I got married.. But that we were engaged and that he was planned. I had surgrey to get pregnant with him. We just didnt think i would get pregnant so quickly.

    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    Trust is the belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone. Relations have to be built on trust  to win the trust of the others. All my hidden truths I had need to know and express to light my paths, illuminate the soul I am and find the peace that goes beyond understanding in myself and in others also. How embarrassing it is to reveal to others a secret failing only to find, in time, that your fear was that you would be found to be human. 



    That is probably part of the problem.. I am extrememly honest with my children.. And they have come to expect direct answers. EEEEKKKK! Well true to my reputation I gave her a direct answer... which lead to more uncomfortable questions.

    Children ask many embarrassing questions so adults say - we should be better at giving the answers.

    I asked a very little boy once "When were you born" his answer was "I don't know........ I haven't died yet" how shocked was I.

    Puberty and the hair that comes with it.


    She stared that a year or so ago... Funny story... My nephew noticed he had a hair.. He came running threw the house yelling... "I have public hair... I have public hair"... His mom said... "honey you mean pubic hair....LOL

    I will share if you think it is ok.. I can do it as G rated as possible.. But I would hate to be suspended...LOL

    You won't be suspended, lol and it sounds like something every kid may go through. I can edit if I think it's necessary ;)

    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    I read it, it's fine. ;)

    Oh i know now , your first romantic encounter.


    LOL no... If Colleen gives me the go ahead I will share .... BUt it is not a convo for kids.... LOL

    Is she attracted to opposite sex ?


    Yes she has been for about a year now... And we talk about her feelings alot.

    How did I come out of your belly?


    We had that dicussion a few years ago when a bot on the bus told her wanted to have sex with her... Scared her to death... Awww... the joys of public schooling!

    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    daughter wanting to date opposite race .


    What race is opposite human?

    No...she has alot of blk friends but she never showed any interest in the guys in a romantic way.

    There are 3 races, so one can't be opposite of the other.

    Maybe she has heard the urban legend about black men in bed. I have no idea if it is true or not.

    What will her Dad say about it?


    LOL... I txt him the convo.. he was at work and I thought he would never come home again! LOL.

    I told the whole story in when I edited this question.

    The most embarrassing "talk" for me would be about oral sex.  I didn't know what it was until Clinton was with Monica in the oval office!  I was too shy to ask what they were doing!  Actually I thought it was French kissing for a long time.

    why do u go to sex shops every week?     just kiddin,but i know the sex talk is hard?

    How to use a tampon?


    Read her question again. She edited it to include the story of the embarrassing conversation.

    Well, teach me not to re-read... I do that quite a bit. It's a bad habit and I need to get over it. Thanks, Colleen. You're cool!

    wow kids are growing up too damm quickly these days...

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