    do some bees bite

    +1  Views: 321 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    They sting leaving their stinger behind and dieing, I didn't know they bit....

    Here near Mt Shasta we have Carpenter Bees. They are stingless. They are twice as large as bumble bees but glossy black all over. They make nests by chewing through wood and making rooms and tunnels. With jaws like that, they don’t need stingers. I don’t know of them attacking anyone but birds and other wild critters leave them alone.  

    We also have Mexican Stingless honey bees, more in southern California than here. They are smaller than the honey bees you may see in your yard and they have a protective method also. If you are near their hive and they feel threatened they will find every crease and crevice on you body and buzz their wings furiously against your skin. The attack in large numbers, often thousands of them. Behind your ears, in side your ears, inside your nose, mouth and throat.Up your pants legs to …well everywhere. They have been known to stampede cattle and horses. All that and not one stinger.    


    Honey bees used for commercial honey production in the USA have stingers that if they sting you the stinger will be left in your skin and the bee will die in a few hours.

    yeah some  da  are you dumb


    yes some do are you dumb



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