    What can I make with yards of ribbon?

    I am in a crafting guild and we have so much ribbon. We make and sell crafts for nonprofit groups, specifically The Shriners and Hospice. Most of materials are donated to us - now find we have sooo much. Hope you can give us a lot of ideas and answers

    0  Views: 311 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    You could make some really elaborate bows for the tops of gift boxes
    Get some plain hairclips and glue the ribbons on the clips (bows or ???)
    Get some small grapevine wreaths and decorate with ribbon spiraling around them.  Add some artificial flowers or greenery.....something to go with a season.
    Mason jars serve a number of craft purposes.  The ribbons can perk up the screw-on lids.
    Christmas ribbon could be used in place of the wire hanger-things.
    If you make lightweight wall hangings, the ribbon could be what hangs around the nail. (Punch and reinforce holes on the top right and left corners of the wall hanging.  Thread the ribbon through like a shoelace and tie at the end, then hang on the wall.
    Cover shoeboxes with wrapping paper or wall paper and use ribbon to trim?
    Get some card stock and use the ribbon to trim cards you make yourselves.

    Creative is not what I do well, but I hope these ideas help you come up with better ones.

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