    What is your biggest gripe with other drivers?


    +11  Views: 1863 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: drivers

    21 Answers

    I hate it when they pass you and get in your lane and then SLOW DOWN !!!!!!!


    Oh! Good one! This makes me crazy!

    I usually have a few choice words for them lol.

    I don't mind someone passing me, but keep your a** moving!

    Right on Flip, I feel the same way my friend. Then if you pass them back and you look at them, in most cases they won't look at you. They know they were being an a_ _ hole.

    Hey Flip you are so right yeah keep moving and not slowly............

    The ones who cut in front of you & slam on the brakes! I get this a lot when I am towing my work trailer. They don't seem to understand that it is more difficult for me to stop quickly because of the weight I am towing.

    People who park too close to me.



    Sure wish I could read that license plate ... looks like my wife's car ...

    They do that to me at work all the time !!!!

    Hi pamela good photo! lol

    Hi Mel, Thanks! :-)

    Hi Pamela I have just sent you a email I was hoping that you would at be the first to reach 200k please love ya mel oxoxoox

    Pamela I just sent you that email and its come back and saying error !

    Hey, thanks for the support of all my hard work here! kidding! She did make it to 200K first however. You can smile :)

    Hi Colleen thanks for that I hope someone put a thread up as I am looking for it! and yes I am smilling and I think you will be the next! 200k I am waiting for that one too :-)

    Drivers who have seemingly passed their driver's test without learning how to use indicators and the other ones who have passed without learning how to use their mirrors and then the other ones who don't seem to think the word 'pedestrian' is a word for a legitimate reason.


    Would you care to give an opinion as to what gender or age group seem to be the biggest offenders?

    I'm not saying a word...they know who they are.

    Heck I do not mind they are not all young they are all ages, from young to middle age now I do not see older as in old people doing that for the most part.

    I do alot of driving and mostley in rush hour and I cant stand WHITE Van drivers they are so rude there are always on there cells and they squeeze in where they can and just dont have any regard for other cars the only ones that they seem to have respect for is artigulated lorries( tracter trailers)



    I know that feeling, LOL.

    Thanks Spacey! lol

    I sure hope WHITE Vans are some company over there in the UK, because I drive a van that is white.

    Hi Flip in the Uk its known that if you are a white van driver that you are normally a aggresive driver even the insurance companys know what goes on we nick name them white man in a van! no offence to you and I am sure there are good white man van drivers and I am sure you are one of them! thanks for the comment lol

    I have a white van.Does this mean you don't love me anymore? :)

    Thommy you know I still love ya! as I said not all white van drivers are bad just a few and I know you would be a good driver even though you have a white van! love ya melxxx

    the ones who pass just to get to a stop signal a nano second ahead of you


    I had a friend years ago who was obsessed with getting to the lights first.

    Don't you love the ones that cut you off in traffic even crossing 3 lanes to do so and then make a turn right in front of you with no turn signal?????

    I don't have any gripe.  State Farm Insurance does.



    Oh my...this is just out there.

    Is there a good story behind this? :o)

    well I have seen some things driving but never this! lol

    Yeah the point is occupied two objects can occupy the same place at the same time.......

    I agree, Darci. The best we can hope for for the two objects would be juxtaposition.

    What I call the lane wanderers the one's that are so busy on their cell phones that they forget they are driving and they wander all over the highway, that is my biggest gripe and oh yeah my worst biggest gripe is tailgaters I hate them.


    I was nearly run off the road by one of those wanderers a while back. When I finally got around him, he was still looking down at his cell phone as if nothing happened.

    Yeah Flip I completely understand and if you blow your horn at them or get them to even look up they look at you like you are the problem not them makes me so mad......Love the signs you put up by the way they are so funny.......

    That nine of of ten drivers do not know HOW to make a safe and proper LEFT turn

    They do not  know the law REQUIRES a driver to move their vehicle to a position at the LEFT CENTER of an intersection, and just sit behind the cross walk


    Oh man, I hate that. When I am the "lead car" in a left turn lane and the light changes, I move right out to the middle of the intersection and wait for my chance to turn safely. At LEAST one other car behind me can get into the intersection and make the turn before the light changes.

    I'll bet Jesus would have used his turn signals...


    Ha! Hilarious! I totally bet he would! I love this answer.

    The other biggest gripe I have is when you come up behind a driver  going 15 mph below speed limit and if you get a chance to safely pass you start to and they speed up quickly to try to keep you from passing them as if they OWNED the road!!!  I have only ever encountered this here in WNC and nowhere else, thank God!!   LOVED it when I had my V8 Ford Explorer and they couldn't out run me, ....but, alas,  I have that no more.  Being more gas efficient................


    Many many years ago this happened to me by a bunch of teenagers. I passed them, they passed me and then they turned off. Guess they decided to chase me down, and I was determined they wouldn't get by again .... 80 mph down a very rough, pot holed road and my transmission broke in half. They went by, turned around and gave me the "bird". So embarrassing!

    On an 8 mile long country road with many twists and curves, you see ahead about 400 yards a car pull up to a stop sign on an adjacent road, sit there for 5-8 seconds and THEN pull out slowly in front of you only  100 yards from you and drive at 40 mph for the rest of the duration of the highway with no opportunity to pass,.............And I'm on my way to work!!!!  UGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!  Deal with this daily!  Price you pay for living in paradise.


    That just burns me up, I hate it when someone do that to me.

    What I call the lane wanderers the one's that are so busy on their cell phones that they forget they are driving and they wander all over the highway, that is my biggest gripe and oh yeah my worst biggest gripe is tailgaters I hate them.


    Gigantic gripe! You need a law in your land...not that they actually work but you definitely need a law.

    tail gaters ..people who drive up your butt, like it's going to make you go faster...


    Yeah when I used to live apx 65 miles from work 1 way - 18 wheelers and they were and still working on I-20 and have been forever and ever and traffic would be bumper to bumper and even come to dead stop and the 18 wheelers would keep gunning their motor and keep edging up closer and closer to my rear end of my truck even though everyone was stopped and nowhere to go it was all I could do to contain myself from getting out of my truck and telling him that unless he had a set of helicopter blades to attach to that 18 wheeler he best get off my a...... and now.......

    This is not a gripe, but how my middle son handles those drivers who do all those annoying things we've mentioned here (what an outstanding question, by the way).
    So, this is what Cody does.
    Let's say someone just passed him, got back in front of him, and then slows down.  Cody bides his time, then pulls up next to the jerk, ready to pass and take his rightful place "in the lead".

    But, he catches the eye of the driver (or a passenger), and points to one of the tires, earnestly mouthing the words "That's your tire.  That's your tire."  He's not lying.  That IS their tire!

    The people thank Cody for alerting them to this fact, and promptly pull over to see if they have a flat.  By the time they get back into their vehicle (p.o'd for sure), Cody is at least two-three miles ahead of them.

    Excellent answers.  I'd like to add one........and I really, really, really can't stand this.
    Pedestrians are supposed to walk facing the traffic.  Bicyclists are supposed to ride in the same direction as the traffic (they are being passed from behind, not facing on-coming traffic).  The reason for this is because they are on wheels.  Ths seems to be a foreign concept to alot of people in my area who ride bikes....and they weave into traffic while they're at it.



    And cyclists who ride 2 or 3 abreast in traffic like they own the road & are daring you to hit them.

    .............and sometimes it's verrrrry tempting.

    when you are courteous to another driver e.g let them in your lane,and you don't get a wave or a thanks.


    YEAH, like you're naturally the only one expected to move!! It's their God-given right, after all.

    All of the above. Slow drivers in particular. Those with Florida plates especially, you know who you are. If you can't control your car at 75 MPH on route 95 maybe you should consider surrendering your license.

    i own the road


    Yeah with that attitude someday someone will be showing you which part of it you really own.......

    you own the road? well, slow down. hell will still be there when you get there.

    Your right have a nice day

    Driving slow in the left lane.  Talking on the phone.  Eating while driving.  No turn signals. 


    putting on make up. ive seen that a couple of times

    I've seen it too carmaxable putting on makeup.

    Tailgating. Someone tailgates me, put up my hand, as if to say "What are you doing?" If that doesn't work, I slow down, to a crawl, if necessary. If I have to, I'll stop the car, and I just might come out swinging. I have had more tailgaters in the last year than in all my decades of driving. If I get rear-ended and my son is in the car, watch out!


    It's an irritating pastime. We don;t see a lot of it here,just the odd D***head.

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