    Is this the idiot network?

    +2  Views: 1292 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    Welcome, IDIOT.

    17 Answers

    I note with regret that you contaminate this site.


    lol...good one

    Unfortunately yes it is.......but only when we get people like you, asking idiotic questions.

    You are a firecracker!  You need to go to www//

    Thank you for your interest and have a super fantastic day.  Really.  Seriously.  Absolutely.

    anti bing, before you say another word, go read my submission I just posted under "(Personal Letter) Dear BarbiePwns".   Try not to get your butt in trouble.


    It takes one to know one...

    There is only one idiot on here and that is you

    It sure is. We have people like you on here daily. bet ya baby, thats why you were drawn to it and took the time to make a profile. Welcome to the great band of idiots:)

    For calling us names I shall honor you with meeting my little friend !!!""


    Whovin and Eggie must both go to the same sights for their characters, l think they are great , keep it up.

    We should give ms. eggplant, hoovin, and there's someone else who is pretty good ... who is it?
    we should make a special award - like the snake wrapped around the trophy but NOT the snake wrapped around the trophy. I didn't see that one but I saw all the comments.
    Bulletman: Draw a picture and put it up in their honor. I don't have a clue how to do it.

    Ya join in and well put you at the TOP

    yeah IDIOT you came to the right spot. hurry and ask us a question so we can get down to the nitty gritty

    Whovin!!!!! LOL LOL. EEEEEEEEEEEK    

    No, genius.  If you can read, you will note this is akaQA, not the idiot network.  You must have made a wrong turn somewhere.  Go back.  Go back now.

    Problematic for you?

    I should think not .... let the game begin ....




    ....are you the judge ?

    It must be if you are on it anti-bing,

    No,go find the idiot network elsewhere,,oh i am sorry,i did not realize you had already left..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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