    Is there more than one god?

    Genesis says "they have become like one of  "us"?

    0  Views: 376 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I believe that there is only one God. He created heaven and earth.

    No. Only one God. That "us" is referring to the Holy Trinity in which God/Jesus and the Holy Ghost are all the same being.


    I don't agree. God is one entity, Jesus is his son and therefore another entity and the Holy Ghost is yet another... But I'm not going to argue with you. Too personal, ya know? JHH

    That is a separate topic. Whether one agrees with the trinity or not.

    I believe in one God, one Son (Jesus Christ), and one Holy Spirit.  Read all about them in the Holy Bible.   

    See Exodus 20:1-3,  God said in the First Commandment  'Thou shalt have no other god before me' which suggests that even the Judeo-Christian  God knew that there were other gods than Him


    other gods can be any thing. like some people think more of their cars than any thing else. that will make your car a false god

    Hmm, I think cars is pushing the whole God idea. I'm pretty sure people can differentiate between a creator and a car. I can't say I've ever seen a person praying to their car but I have seen cars with little statues of Mary or Jesus in them. Maybe it's more of a house of worship thing than another God thing.

    Depends on your own personal religion....



    @ Carmaxable

    Your quote: carmaxable     'other gods can be  any thing. like some people think more of their cars than any thing else. that will make your car a false god '                                                    

    That stuff drives me batty... The beginning of what?? what beginning? Our beginning? The universe?? What were they doing before that?? Eternity is a long time for doing nothing, what were they doing before that time of the beginning?? vin

    Genesis 1:26 states we and us as well..  Well maybe just 'US'.. and 'OUR' I always wondered who 'us and Our is..  Created man is 'our image, under our likeness.. (not verbatim)

    Let me look that up.. BRB  LOL

    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:


    Jesus was with God in the beginning. He was SENT here to become flesh through Mary to save us from our sins

    carmaxable-- see my comment in a new answer.. I want input from others too.. :)

    Hi Vinny....I have the same questions you have. I sincerely believe as I stated above, and the Bible is true. I can't explain it, nor can I understand it. Where DID it all began and what was IT before and where did GOD come from and HOW.....enough to make your mind explode.
    That's where my faith comes in. I believe. I didn't see the Red Sea part, but then again, I didn't see the Mayflower land. I didn't see President Garfield get shot, either, but I'm not questioning any of that.

    I thinks it is a bit easier to accept that Garfield was 'shot' I think its also easier to accept the mayflower landing, at least in those times they weren't talking about parting seas, immaculate conceptions, feeding 5000 with one loaf of bread, canes turning into snakes; shall we go on with the ridiculous? I have never been to paris but I believe the Eiffel Tower is there, I don't believe in Santa Claus because that too is ridiculous, but it soothes the minds of our children's growing minds, eventually, they too will see the ridiculous and pass the story on to their children, I just don't think the 'Children of faith' see the Santa Claus in their religion.. Am I against organized religion?? No, I think it is a good thing, they teach morals, brotherhood, and respect for each other, just the fairy tales in the bible I think are children's stories..

    "I don't believe in Santa Claus because that too is ridiculous"

    : (

    Now I'm sad.

    Colleen, didn't I just say that?? LOL, pay attention or I'm gunna send you home with a note to your parents..

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