    Why can't people speak/write in complete sentences any more?

    Why ca't people speak and write in complete sentences any more?

    +4  Views: 854 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Texting has taken away the ability for people to speak coherently. That and laziness and lack of education.

    lack of education. i was shocked to find my 18 yr. old grand daughter cant write in cursive. and they arent teaching it in the other schools


    I know. I have had so many young people working under me that just couldn't write or even print clearly...forget the spelling...Oh my goodness! I began to think we should be communicating through ESP and began practicing the art of Mind Meld...I thought that must be what they are teaching in schools. I was wrong.

    Time saving English.

    Excessive technology keeps people from talking/communicating face to face  much anymore, so very many shortcuts and communication carelessness develops.  Sad.

    Laziness and poor education plus the "I don't care" mode of operation...Lack of self respect or the need for it....

    New English

    Too many people from other countries. Spanglish is the language spoken here in New Mexico . When you spend your entire education experience in the third grade ,not much can be hoped for . I dont care . Hard to fix stupid !!!!!!!  It might get better if people would stop marrying their cousins and stop listening to rap music. IQs might improve in a decade or two.

    This did puzzle me for at least 15 years.  I have explained to Carmaxable above that I have had young people working for me who lacked the ability to write, print, spell and communicate through the English language on paper.   I actually... (Now keep in mind I do have a vivid's not my fault, I was born this way)... thought that they were teaching the children how to communicate through ESP in the school system and I was not being told.  I then began practicing the art of Mind Meld {I am pathetic at this. (as a side bar)}... because I thought this was the way to go.  It's not the way to go actually.  I found out that the younger generation really does not care.  Elephant is too long to spell even if you stick a 'f' in the middle.  Colour-Color...ah!  who cares?  They truly don't care. 

    I don't know how this happened but it definitely did.


    its really sad that the art of cursive writing is slowly disappearing. what they going to do if the electrical system goes kaboom? cry.

    Mind meld. I still have my suspicions.

    People don't speak incomplete sentences anymore because the inference is accepted without being stated.  It seems redundant to restate something that makes an answer complete when you have just heard the question. 
    The lack of language skills really diminishes a student's ability to write a complete sentence in a language he has alot of trouble just speaking in a complete sentence.
    People don't engage in conversations as much as they used to because there are distractions to keep us from interacting with each other.  In the "OLDEN DAYS",  friends would gather and enjoy talking with each other. 
    You learn to communicate from those who communicate with you.....fragments beget fragments
    And, if all this aint enough, we got the "No Child Left Behind" stuff going on, taking up so much class time that there's no time left for reading, writing, and arithmetic. 

    Who in hell cares about cursive writing? How about correct spelling and grammar?

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