    How do I delete YOU

    0  Views: 622 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Turn off your computer and never turn it on again.

    It all depends on who is "YOU".

    If this is concerning akaQA, it's more than likely attached to your toolbar. You would have to uninstall the toolbar to remove the application that directs you to our site via the ask a question box found on web pages or a button on the toolbar. I do not know which toolbar you have that it's attached to. If you see a green or blue Ask a Question button on your tool bar, right click on it, select show/hide, find the akaQA icon and click on it. This will deactivate ask a question (akaQA). Or to remove the toolbar, follow these steps Start menu > Control panel > add/uninstall programs > locate the toolbar, if it's Bing, it hides under the name conduit or conduit engine > uninstall.


    if you don't like us that's too bad.You're stuck with us now until you buy a new computer.We have infected you with our AKA virus.


    Listen Dr Cyber, I told you to stop experimenting! lol

    how can we delete you?

    Get rid of your computer by donating it to Goodwill.

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