    A guy acted like a school boy

    I was getting a piece of equipment at a store the other day and the man was going to demonstrate how to use it for me.  He got nervous and tongue tied like a school boy.  He is married because I was getting something like his wife has.  I wasn't dressed in a way that would "bother" him or didn't act too friendly.  Just interested in the job at hand.

    I was told by a friend that my hair looks nicer than usual but I can't help that.  He seemed not to want to stop talking with me.  I have never seen him before or know him in any other way. 

    Is this just a guy thing?  This has not happened to me in a long time.  Kind of thru me for a loop!

    +1  Views: 785 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Sounds like you  were his type and he was attracted to you!  Probably doesn't flirt much if he's married and he was out of practice.  Enjoy it!

    Sounds like he is a friendly guy,i wouldn't read to much into it.

    Positive attention is a real ego-boost, and it lsounds like you got a good dose from that guy.  Please don't make too much of it or return for seconds.  Just let the memory bring a smile and see how that smile attracts nice single guys to your side.  :D

    well a little flatery will get you every where...use it or lose it.

    He might be lonely, and wanted to talk to someone.

    You never know.

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