    how often to feed bearded dragon

    +2  Views: 558 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Actually you should feed them every day because they eat all sorts of things.  They are omnivores.

    Just punch in 'Care for Bearded Dragons'..........Google it and all sorts of wonderful information comes up.

    They are a lovely animal so please take care of your Bearded Dragon correctly and never buy a pet from a pet store unless you are well informed about the care of that animal.  Seriously.

    What did the pet store say that you bought it from? I don't imagine you just found it wandering around in your backyard.


    Hilarious answer!

    I'll never understand people who own pets but have no clue as to how to care for them. This poor creature will probably just die in hennings care or lack there of.

    we inherited from grandson we r not idiots and had pets all our lives.sorry I asked was not really expecting sacastic answers.

    Then you should be smart enough to contact an exotic pet store. Expect that we get a lot of kids here who collect all sorts of animals with no intention of actually taking care of them. You have a computer. Google Bearded Dragons and get to know them. They are not your typical pet. You should also make sure you have a vet in your area who sees exotic animals and have him vet checked to make sure your grandson was taking care of him properly.

    I didn't think my answer was sarcastic at all.  Bearded Dragons are omniverous and there is all sorts of information (and easy to locate) on the internet.  I have had to care for them because we sold them and they do eat every day...mix it up.

    If I came across in a sarcastic manner, I appologize.  That was not my intention...I just don't work in the pet industry any more...and more information is probably available by now.  Updated information is always the best way to go.  Someone might know more than me.

    Also, in my defence, I have rescued many animals over the years...most of them being reptiles (29) but they also include, hedge hogs, chinchillas, cats, cats, cats and more cats, rabbits and birds so I may be a little sensative to this question.  Surely you can understand why.


    She was talking to me. I figure she was just another kid who traded a game for a pet or something. Adults typically know how to care for a pet they get, or one hopes they do.

    Unfortunately that is not true. You can't imagagine some of the situations I have found myself in because an adult wanted a pet and then discovered that their pet needed a better home because they couldn't pick up a book. It can be very sad.

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