    whats the one thing u hate about this site....

    +10  Views: 1019 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    Questions that dont make sense.

    Rude questions and offencive questions


    me too, Mel! :-)

    Thanks Pamela ((((hugs)))

    Hi m&r, you were asked for "one thing" but you mentioned two, therefore your answer was incorrect. I am sorry but rules are rules and they must be adhered to. Better luck next time.

    @west-bus Oh Damn so have lost the prize what was it anyway! heheh lol

    ah well, I had second thoughts so I turned a blind eye and awarded it to you anyway! I don't want to shoot myself in the foot!

    Hi West-bus he he that was funny but please dont shoot your foot on my account! I am sure I can have 2nd prize! West have a good weekend :-) mel xxx

    Kids with dumb questions.


    Hi Chiangmai...thanks for your generosity.

    You're welcome. :)


    You people are funny ... so polite. : ) It's a good thing.

    Can't say i dislike anything about it,apart from the "sometimes"ridiculous questions.

    Questions with vulgar language.

    Stupid questions.

    Vulgar questions, nonsense questions  (although sometimes they can be a hoot to answer in a ridicuous manner)  and offensive questions..............yep!  It's pretty much about the questions...the negative thumb kind of questions...Oh and... One or two spelling errors in a session is fine but three or more words in a single sentence, "Honey!  Get yourself a dictionary!"

    That I probably won't ever meet anyone on this sight in person. It would be so great to have a big unite party and actually get to thank and hug everyone in person for the support and caring shared on this sight.


    I often think of that too,it would be good if we could all meet up and just spend the day together.Impossible to do as we come from all over the world.I remember peoplelover mentioning that if he won the 30 million lottery that we had going a few months back here in Australia,he would fly some members over here,i think i would do that too.

    Many years ago I was a member of an aol chat group. We met one summer for a two day "get together". It was fun, but I have to admit some of the attendees were not what I expected.

    I always wonder if people act like how they write ... how they sound.
    I had a genius writing mentor. He completed two novels and many poetry books. He couldn't SPELL. I mean he really couldn't. When I met him he had just come from Poland. Many people did not accept him and many could not understand when he spoke. I hung in there with him and the rest of the members of the workshop. There was more laughing and more joy in that little room. When I see someone who can't spell, I'm not bothered. I remember.
    Vulgar language and thoughts really get me. I give them thumbs down (3 times) and lose my karma points but sometimes it's just worth it.
    People came from all over the United States to meet him at a Carmel-by-the Sea Poetry Pow Wow.
    I found them to be much like they sounded.

    repeated questions. like when 3 kids get on and they all ask the same thing.


    The Deviot Questions and the same as phth and eggie.

    I asked a stupid  question when I first started, something like how do I answer a question ? Sorry, new to the computer, but  Bobs your uncle now.


    I think i remember that lol,you will get the hang of it.

    perhaps the way they commercialised it with all the ads from google , if any one remembers the old,old forum it was much more fun as well as intamite....


    I came in right at the end of the old forum, I still think I liked it better, all these ads drive me crazy, especially the one big one in the middle of the threads. But, nothing is freee, the admins must make some money somehow..

    Remember, some of these people English is their second language, to those people I give kadoos, they are brave!  I can kind of tell though - intelligent questions with bad spelling says a lot..

    Hate is such a self-destructive feeling.  How about something that irritates me?

    I am always dismayed at the truly painful lack of spelling and vocabulary proficiencies demonstrated here.  In fourth grade, my youngest son scored "4" in spelling on the national exams.  That meant that if you put him in a room with 99 other 4th graders, all but 4 would spell better than he.
    How did they all end up here, and why did they bring their brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, moms and dads, who scored 3 on THEIR national spelling exams?? AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHH  


    Congratulations on your very bright son.

    Sometimes there are learning disabilities that get in the way of spelling.
    I'm glad when they try to communicate despite their difficulties.

    :D All except 4 would be BETTER spellers than he was then. It was atrocious. (He must have gotten that from his dad!)

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