    What is the Thumbs' Down' button for ?

    Collen says" I suggest you undo the thumbs down you gave me for voicing my opinion which is allowed on this democratic forum as the admin call it. If you continue to thumbs down people just because you do not agree with their opinion, you will be suspended like many others here have found themselves because they misuse the TD button"

    Why have a thumbs down button if a moderator doesn't want it used as a passive disagreement with their 'opinion'?


    +5  Views: 1269 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    Please see my reply below.

    10 Answers

    I got two of them today!!  I don't have a problem with it, my answers aren't for everyone. some people take things personally so they TD you, big deal! We have a right to TU, should have a right to TD as well, I rarely TD someone, I really can't even remember the one I am sying I did, long time ago..

    What is bad though is someone giving TD's for the fun of it.. That can only go on so long though before they karma themselves out. (i think)


    I took care of it for you already. We call it "reciprocity."

    Thank you!! :)

    We all have the right to our opinions and to TD something that we really feel is insulting, unnecessary or just plain ignorant questions or answers. There have been many times that people think it is funny to TD for no good reason hence I would imagine the defensiveness. Adding to this answer i am in no way speaking for anyone but myself.

    If you disagree, just don't bother with TDs, especially with someone like me.  I'd bite your head off before you know it.

    Someone just gave Vinny and me TD a few minutes ago for perfectly good and acceptable answers.  I naturally reciprocated for Vinny and me and this time I reported the TD loser to the admin people. 

    If you're tempted, don't do it.


    I disapprove of what you write, but I will defend to the death your right to write it.

    west-bus , Friday 16. September 2011


    that's good

    It was not a passive disagreement. A passive disagreement would have been to voice your disagreement, not just thumbs down and leave. There was nothing wrong with my opinion. We are allowed opinions as long as they do not insult or are vulgar or hurt another. The next time you have an issue with me, send me an e-mail. You can find my address on my profile page. Do not start a thread calling out something I did as a moderator. If you have an issue with the way I moderate this forum, send a message to the administrators. I have left the same message that I left you to many other users of this forum when I see them or hear of them giving a thumbs down for an honest opinion. I can probably go through all your answers and find many I do not agree with. Should I thumbs down you for them all just because your opinion is not my opinion?

    The members of this forum voted for freedom of speech a long time ago. Freedom of speech within reason is now the accepted way here. This means opinions are off limits unless like I said, they are designed to hurt another or are vulgar or just plain unacceptable by akaQA's standards.

    I do this for the benefit of all the members so they can feel safe in giving their opinions.

    My first few days on this site I TD anyone I disagreed with, thinking we were voting on the best answer, I soon learned that was not what the TD was for, it's for rude or offense answers.

    These rules should be posted here where new people can see them.


    did the same...colleen informed me,

    The TD is obviously put on here for a reason and the reason it should be used for is, if you give a hurtfull , insulting , abusive, offensive answer in which none of our members would do anyway.If we are to get a TD i think the administrators should view it and let them decide if it was warranted or not,or even a moderator could decide .Another thought also, i think we should be given a explanation by the person why they have given a TD.

    If you disagree with an answer, you are not allowed to show that with a thumb's down, only by making a comment at the person's answer.  If there is an answer that is abusive, vulgar, or derogatory towards ANYBODY, use the "Report abuse" option and complain there.
    Not everyone puts his email address on this site for you to contact directly if you have a disagreement with his answer.  For most of us, this is a relaxing pastime and we enjoy each other even if we don't agree. 
    But, under no circumstances should you EVER use the Thumb's Down.  NEVER EVER You are allowed to voice your opinion, but you are NOT allowed to voice your opinion in disagreeing with another's.




    Hear Hear Bob,,Give it to them straight,,

    Dear Coleen, I am terribly sorry that you are offended.


    I am not offended. Any other comments about this can go directly to my e-mail. I've removed what should be in the e-mail, not on this forum.

    Have a good night amfortas.

    It's to show what an A hole you are.....

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