    Your most favorite category to answer ...


    +10  Views: 1401 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    Hey everyone. Not too many answered this question 9 months ago. Let's see if we can get some more answers to a very good question.

    I wish I had the luxury but I have to cover all the categories because too many here just want their favorite one or only the easy questions. I'm bored to tears most days answering the questions 90% of the members do not want to even look at.
    9 month old question........hundreds or thousands still unanswered........sigh.

    I've finally learned how to come up with mileage and measurements for people. I don't mind Googling stuff; the car and computer questions really go right over my head, but I could try to answer them, too.
    What I'm saying: I'll try to get to the unanswered questions more often. (Leave me those easy ones and I'll do them. Promise)

    The easy ones are the first to go. They may last a minute or two on the unanswered page.

    True. Well, I'll try to do one unanswered question from 5 different categories every day. We'll see how long that lasts.

    "I'm bored to tears most days answering the questions 90% of the members do not want to even look at," you say.
    Do the people who maintain this site expect you and us to answer the questions that people don't read? That seems unfair to you and to the people who don't have the ability (or desire) to answer the questions like "How far is it from Tavernier FL to Fresno, CA?" There just aren't too many people who want or need to know.
    It seems that you have been here more lately as a "real person" You've removed your badge and cap. I appreciate it when you answer like that.
    I am confused as to just what we are expected to answer to give you a break from your all-consuming job.
    If I had more time and ability I'd do more of whatever it is that I should do more of.
    I hope this comment hasn't upset you.

    We are a question and answer help site. This is why people joined, to help others. Answering directions questions is as simple as putting the locations into Google maps. Yes, as a moderator, I am expected to answer questions. Without the questions being answered, this help forum would disappear then you socialites would have to find another home ;)

    No, you do not have to answer questions. You are not a mod. As for taking of my mod cap and badge off, as much as you like it, I've had another tell me I can not answer in the manner that you say you enjoy. I'm suppose to stay out of answering questions that require opinion and not say anything. There's always some member who thinks they need to tell me what to do. These same people forget that I answer up to 200 questions on most days. Even then I'm criticized with, quantity is not quality. Yet this person does not answer questions for fear of being sued (rolling eyes).

    I didn't mean my comment as criticism. Maybe you didn't mean it that way. I'm tired. My eyes are crossing. I'm late for dinner (a cheese sandwich)

    No, the criticize comment was about someone else who loves to criticize everything I do here including that I answer questions just for the points and do not care that quantity is not quality (even though I research 95% of my answers, the rest are opinion).

    I keep looking for the critic ~ can’t find him/her. Arghhh. Do the comments come in e-mail? Criticsm keeps things hot.

    19 Answers

    Animals and cookery some time HR... Medical

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    Your face tells that.

    Log in thanks for that comment xxx
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    You very welcome.

    Business, investment, and maybe some stupid questions.


    It would not be wise for me to answer your questions on investment or business. I might do OK in the Stupid Questions category. : )

    Family and relationships

    Animals Government and health.

    Math, Homework/Education, Society and Culture, Family and Relationships, 


    I see a quite few questions on math that come from students. I think they should do their own homework so I wouldn't even answer if I could. What about you?

    @ itsmee- I totally agree. which is why I often respond "I smell homework" We actually had an algebra student who kept getting his questions answered- I told him he would never pass the final if he didnt figure them out- the day before the final he was sweating bullets on this site: asking for help in how to figure out the answers- have no idea if he passed (without cheating).

    When I try to answer a math question, I often explain the steps I use as clearly as possible, in hopes the person asking can figure it out using that method. Occasionally, I will just put an answer, but that is the exception.
    We are supposed to help; I think helping with homework should include some instruction, not just answers.

    I'll take History for 50, Alex.

    country bumpkin

    He suffered a heart attack last week.

    Did he really? :(
    Is he ok, now?
    country bumpkin

    It was a mild heart attack. He'll return when taping resumes for the new season.

    That's good to hear.

    Liked it better when he had a moustache...that's my age showing! lol ;)

    OMG, what a shock. Good to know he's on the mend. Great show. We watched it during dinner when I was in school (It's been on the air a very, very long time).

    Yep...same here. :)

    Well, sort of anything I think I can answer, I'm more often than not too lazy to Google, I often read answers on subjects or questions I'm not familiar with as well

    Any bloody thing I can find an answer to.

    I enjoy the research.

    Sad but true.


    Let's see.....I have three favorite categories....

    1)  Nuclear Physics as Applied to Space Travel

    2)  Your Laptop and Advanced Computer Technology 

    3)  At Home Techniques for Laundry Soap Production


    Genius Ducky!!!! lol ;D

    That's what I'd call "Versatility".

    Isn't she wonderful?! Ecclectic for sure!!! lol

    @DUCKY..Can I bring my laundry to you??;-)

    So, i think I added to much lye to my laundry soap- all of the clothes disappeared from the washer. Oh, wait, maybe I put them in the dryer.
    Silly me... I always forget about the dryer. that is why I have created a new style- it's called Wrinkle Wear! (don't mention the i word. the i word IS a 4 letter word!!!)

    I made soap balls out of Ivory with my preschool kids. You roll the soap mixed with water into balls and then add a little food color. You let the balls dry and then put them in a pretty container and give as a gift. I thought that information might be helpful for your chapter on "At Home Techniques ...." : )
    The kids had good, clean fun.

    I'll get my production crew on that one.

    So, I have a few questions about astro-physics, quantum physics, and would like to chat about the String theory. Can you help..or do you just answer nuclear physics questions???

    I'll answer all of those questions we just leave them for...uh...maybe...I know...another day???

    Of course we can leave them for another day ;) ... after all time is just a measurement and is only 'real' because we have decided it is so.

    Moderator might be waaaaaaayyyyyy too much for my little brain to handle! :(

    No! Be a duck in water... just let my mindless quantum gibberish bead up and roll off of you!!!



    I will not be able to answer here, Ed. I like to read about it though.

    Rocket Science, Quantum Physics, Geo-molecular Deconstruction and ALIENS!


    See my big brother on these ... ; )

    Pretty much any questions regarding these folks here...



    I think there are two....and I asked one!! hahahahaha!

    I didn’t shoot him like PETA says I did.

    Thank heavens for that Ed1530! There was one who was caught in a forest fire who ventured out to an ambulance for help with bad burns...after the fact and over 30 witnesses...the whole affair was denied!! Even if you had shot him...the whole thing would be denied!! Silly but true! ;)

    ED! You are on the PETA list- what DID you do? wait...are those shoes made of leather (gasp!)?

    Crocodillion methinks!! hee hee!

    I told PETA my feet did not like plastic shoes and from that they got I shot big foot and framed me. They said I gave the fur of the big foot to Madonna for a coat to where. It is all not true.

    Actually...Madonna IS kind of furry!! That would explain it you know...hmmm... LOL

    Well she said it was a fake fur but we know that is not true when it comes to big foot.

    Bigfoot fur is really hairy and I'm pretty sure Madonna's been fakin' it for years...haha!! Faux fur!! LOL

    Ed- this is surely a conspiracy theory they have entrapped you in. Quick eggie and daisy must know!! (They seem to be the regulars that believe in all of these theories!) And, by the way, if you have ever seen the movie Conspiracy Theory then you know you must have a first, middle, and last I will now refer to you ad ED 1 530. I, by the way. totally believe you!!!! Madonna is just the type to wear bigffot fur, lie to folks, and have you framed. Never did trust anyone that sung, in a sexy get- up, in bed, in front of a 25,000 live audience! What was that all about anyway?????

    She's a bigtime bigfoot hoaxer in real life DooLittle!! She's only framed Ed as a diversionary tactic to distract everyone away from the facts....Ed is actually a triple-threat hollywood dude posing as Ed 1 530! The whole thing was way too trippy for Patty there up in the much so that she said "Hell out!!" and she was off..."see ya don"t wanna be ya"...was all that could be heard echoing far and wide thru the Northern Cali wilderness and traversing the whole 5 ranges of the rockin' Rocky Mountains...but I digress...or doo I??? haha!

    All I have to say is don’t get on the wrong side of PETA because they have friends in high places.

    For a moment I thought you said "high friends in places". :D


    AND ANYTHING THAT PO"S ME!  Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Knights of merit, Knights of Malta, Free Masonry, Skull and Bones, Council of Foreign Relations, and anyone I missed that will take away Liberty, and murder, kill, starve, beat, declare war, control,dictate,abuse, deny medical,or anything deemed harmful to the people of this world!


    My friend and I are going to study one documentary a week and give each other a report on it. I read about women in prison and decided that was not going to be my choice. Now I'm thinking of Illuminati ... looks so difficult. (She'd never heard of it)

    I will give you a ton of info on the Illuminati, and any of their sub groups.

    So far today I’ve looked over documentaries of Hitler, Janis Joplin, and Women In Prison --I am playing a difficult game with her. I’ve spent HOURS and haven’t found what I wanted. I’ll take a look tomorow, Daisey!! Thank You.

    Daisy, Please share your information with me here. My e-mail is up to 3,000-ish. I just don’t go there often.

    any thing philosophicial that pertains to real life...


    Computer and food.

    The questions that utterly confuse me

    The questions that I must ask the animals to help answer

    The questions I find very odd

    Yup- those are the top 3 categories for ME!!!!!!!!!

    Please note- the answers I give to to the confusing and odd questions are usually highly unhelpful.  However, I do believe the animals honestly try to give accurate and helpful answers.


    Have I tole ya how much I appreciate you Doo? I really Doo you funky crazed mini-me-ish looney tune?? Peace baby and BEST ANSWER award right here!! Aha! Whoop whoop! ;D


    Family relations 


    Humor: That’s not planned but it sure happens!!

    I really appreciate asking a question and getting a variety of answers from REAL people. Research from the experts  frequently just doesn’t give me the answers I seek. I think each one of us is an expert at something. If I tried to figure out mileage or how to fix your car, I’d miss questions that I could put my mind to and maybe give someone real help.

    Not an official category here, but I love to answer stupid questions.


    Mom used to always say..."Ask a stupid'll get a stupid answer!" haha!

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