    how to do a resume

    0  Views: 721 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Introduce yourself by writing your name, address, phone number and email address on the top lines of your resume. Center these lines and make them bold; you can even make them a bigger type size to ensure the reader knows how to get in touch with you.

    Write a brief objective statement that describes who you are and what you hope to achieve with your resume. Do not include generic statements; point to your actual accomplishments and abilities to make your objective stand out.

    Begin a section about your professional life by writing the name of your most recent job and how long you worked there. Write four bullet points describing what you've accomplished and what you did on a daily basis. Begin each line with past-tense action verbs, such as "supervised," "analyzed" and "performed."

    Create separate headings for each of your past jobs. It's OK if you don't have as much to say about your older jobs as you do about your most recent one, but don't add items that aren't relevant to your current career or any jobs you're seeking. Stop adding older jobs when your job experience is no longer applicable to who you are today.

    Start a section about your educational past that is similar to your work experience section. This section should include any education you received after you graduated high school, including professional certifications you have earned. If your college GPA was 3.0 or higher, it should be included.

    Close out your resume by adding anything you might have missed or would be applicable to a job you want. For example, if you're applying for a job in information technology, list any advanced computer programs you know well.

    Show your resume to a trusted friend or colleague before sending it to any recruiters. Another set of eyes could uncover mistakes you didn't see or suggest accomplishments to include.

    Tips & Warnings
    Strive for professionalism with your resume. Use a font that's professional and that reads well both on screen and on paper. Use a professional email address that doesn't suggest immaturity on your part.

    Resume experts are conflicted about the role of the objective statement, which seems redundant to some and necessary to others. If you're not confident in your objective statement, you can leave it out; you can also use that space to create a one-sentence summary of your abilities that is bolstered by the content of your resume.

    Be as specific as you can within your resume. If you don't use specific facts and use industry terms, you stand a chance of never having your resume read. Many companies use scanners that filter out resumes that don't have certain keywords that employers are looking for. Avoid this by using terms found in the job description and giving a detailed account of your professional experience.

    Read more: How to Create A Resume |

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