When I saw this question from you my first thought was that you were paying one compliment to one member of aka and encouraging each member to pay a compliment to another aka member, , have I misunderstood this question?
No, not at all. I thought it would be nice to spread some joy and appreciate one another. ... I wonder what was happening on the site at the time. ... I do think itsmee what probably having a bit of a go of things.
Maybe we were dealing with Richard-who-ever-the-heck at the time .... hmmm.
Maybe we were dealing with Richard-who-ever-the-heck at the time .... hmmm.

I thought this was a good question to bring back up, thinking it would be fun and receive a few more answers. I guess no one is in a complimentary mood. :)
Not really then and not really now. Sad actually.
You are lovely by the way and a breath of fresh air. :) ... Have a really great day. I am taking a couple of poor plum trees to the environmental recycling center, going to the library with my son after school, returning bottles to the bottle depot and tackling a very large black berry bush and grape vines at the side of our yard. It is Spring Cleaning Time!!!! I also think I may relocate a couple of Rhododendrons that seem unhappy in their home ... I should be busy until midnight.
You are lovely by the way and a breath of fresh air. :) ... Have a really great day. I am taking a couple of poor plum trees to the environmental recycling center, going to the library with my son after school, returning bottles to the bottle depot and tackling a very large black berry bush and grape vines at the side of our yard. It is Spring Cleaning Time!!!! I also think I may relocate a couple of Rhododendrons that seem unhappy in their home ... I should be busy until midnight.

We must both be in a spring cleaning mood. I spent over a couple of hours today picking up trash and gathering broken branches today at this complex. We have a row of bushes in front of our flat which catches all the litter. It's been several months since I've cleaned around the bushes because of my silly arms and I was going to wait until next month when the weather is a bit warmer but I couldn't stand looking at it any longer.
You are Wonder Woman! Watch out for those thorns!
You are Wonder Woman! Watch out for those thorns!
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