    The "We/They" theory concerning religions has always purported an inadequency. Why do you think people still rage on over this concern?

    +1  Views: 2460 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    11 Answers

    Note, if this question turns into a war of religions it will be removed.

    Because each belief wants to claim they follow the true God.


    I hope this answer is not directed towards myself. I do not "rally" against other beliefs or religions and I don't know what Watch Tower is. I follow my own path and believe that "ALL" paths lead to the same place in the end, we just choose different ways to get there!

    You're correct. I was thinking of someone else. Sorry about that. Sometimes the multitasking I do here makes me respond too quickly. I will edit my comment. Again, my apologies.

    People are too busy trying to be right about the true religion than what each religion is purported to be.




    Colleen, Where were you six hundred years ago? Humanity could have used your wisdom.


    There are many here who would not agree with you. I'm just following the request of the admin. They want a safe forum for all differences.

    Colleen, I never rage over other religions. In fact, a friend of mine is being Ordained as an Episcopal Minister this coming Saturday and has invited me to her Ordination ceremony. I'm so proud of her and will be pleased to attend!


    It was a general reminder, directed at all. Discussions are good until they take the turn and start trashing other beliefs. The admins requested a month ago that the religious wars stop. I will post the same thing to any religious question that I feel may cause a war versus friendly debate or discussion.

    Because people believe in A,B,C,D,or E,   none of them approve of the others beliefs &/or rituals, they are all wrong and not right.... It's an ongoing battle and will ever be

    Religious strife will contimue until people realise that  religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.


    Do you know who voted you down on this? If you do, please e-mail me their name
    You are allowed your opinion and opinions are not something that should be thumbs downed just because another does not agree.

    Interestingly edited! Hubris being attained. lol


    I think you need a new forum. Apparently you only come here now to cause strife. There was no arrogance in my apology for mistaking you for another and I did tell you I edited my comment. Nothing secretive about it.

    So it seems that it is "safe" to refer to the person in the Oval Office as the Devil, but not have a healthy chat or debate about being respectful or tolerant of other religions? I fail to see the reason and deplore such hubris.


    Take it up with the administrators. Perhaps they can enlighten you better than I.

    Simple, pimple, EGO!

    Because they are not "Religion" they/we are ignorant "traditions," thus  erroneously call themselves Religions.  They condemn any others who don't think like they do.  They dogmatically go to war against each other, after all, Dictators do, do  that.  

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