    If a Crocadile and a Great White Shark got into a fight, who would win ?

    +1  Views: 292 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Unlikely for them to have a fight: they are in two different worlds. 

    This could never happen. Crocs don't swim far enough out and sharks don't swim far enough in. Salt water crocs prefer the tropics to the open ocean.

    They would have to be in deep water with nothing for the croc to shove off of or brace himself on and the shark would have all of the advantage of experience .Hence, the shark would win...

    salt water crocs have been known to venture into the surf in North Queensland but whether you would find a great white there is doubtful.They tend to prefer the colder water.

    But if there was a great white there & he was hungry the croc would be a gonner.

    Crocs are powerful creatures but great whites are more powerful.

    In a boxing ring, i bet on the crock, he has four legs and feet and could move faster.  I'd say about 3 rounds and the shark would be out cold..



    Don King? Maybe I'm a bit slow today but I dont get it Rob.Please explain to a retarded old fart.

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