    what is the prime factorization of 135

    0  Views: 522 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Finding the prime factorization is an easy task.

    Simply, you should know the division process.

    1. Always try to divide the provided number with smallest prime number.

    For instance - 2 is the smallest prime number,

    if the number is not exactly divisible, then try with 3 and so on.

    2. Repeat the same process as above and you will obtain your result.

    For example, the division of 135 is not possible by 2, so try with 3, which is possible, and the result is 45

    Then, again try with 2, which is not possible, then try with 3, which is possible, and the result is 15

    Repeating the same process as above, you will get the prime factorization of

    135 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 5

    Hope you have understand the method and try to share this knowledge with your friends.

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