    plastic surgeon

    How much does a lifestyle lift cost?

    0  Views: 419 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Beware of the lifestyle lift & face & neck lifts & lipo ads seen on t.v. Most are not reputable. See a reputable plastic surgeon in your area. Go to a consultation, some are free & some range from $75 to $300. They will usually apply the consultation fee to your surgery costs if you decide to go with them. Serious complications can occur so make sure you do your homework & look at alot of photo books (of previous patients before's & afters) Any doctor who is proud of his or her work will have lots of them. If you do not see enough to make you feel comfortable, ask for more, they usually have them on stored on their computers as well. If you do not like the results you see in the photo's, I would suggest finding someone else. Make sure you communicate your expectations with them & ask them if they feel it is an achievable & reaalistic expectation. Most doctors do not want to ruin their reputation over one patient & will tell you the truth.
    I have had 7 cosmetic surgeries in the past so I have a little experience with it. If you are in Maryland I can reccommend one, otherwise you can do research on the web. Good luck

    How much does a lifestyle lift cost?
    Grandma in CA

    Never checked into it because I have a plastic surgeon in Baltimore Md that I trust & use when I want something done & I wouldn't consider this type of procedure due to the marketing of it.

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