11 Answers
peyman, I used to move every 2 or 3 years because we were in the navy. My husband was gone 6 months at a time and usually, I would have to move by myself, set up the house and find a new job. My children were with their father in another state and my family lived far away. I found it always took about a year to get a good job, make a friend or two and start enjoying the new city I lived in. I learned to be by myself and started to enjoy life again. I hope the same for you. America is a wonderful place to live, so take advantage of all the wonderful things we have to offer. Don't get dispirited if people are less than kind to you. Take care and good luck on your new life here. regards/yvonne57
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Yes to michmar118's response. Look for opportunities to volunteer....shelters, museums, etc. Get involved in some organization that supports a hobby, your faith, or is something you always wanted to try. Maybe you can sign up for some classes at an adult school. You mentioned in a previous question that your English is not really good yet....you should be able to find an ESL (English as a Second Language) that can help you improve.
Keep looking for that job and get your family with you ASAP. Depression is NOT a walk in the park. You DON"T want to go THERE.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Get out and be friendly...
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

When I read that, I thought I must have written it, b/c I have no family and my friends keep moving out of the Detroit area and Michigan. I thought of writing something like that many times adn putting it on here. I wish Peyman good luck . There's nothing for me to do here in a small blue collar burb of detroit. It's rough being all alone in the world.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
thank you for listening