    when you are all alone,no friends .no family and no job, what ?what should you do?

    I came here to change my life but....OK. I work hard and wait wait to get the life be better.

    +5  Views: 1398 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    peyman, I used to move every 2 or 3 years because we were in the navy.  My husband was gone 6 months at a time and usually, I would have to move by myself, set up the house and find a new job.  My children were with their father in another state and my family lived far away.  I found it always took about a year to get a good job, make a friend or two and start enjoying the new city I lived in.  I learned to be by myself and started to enjoy life again.  I hope the same for you.  America is a wonderful place to live, so take advantage of all the wonderful things we have to offer.  Don't get dispirited if people are less than kind to you.  Take care and good luck on your new life here.  regards/yvonne57


    Hello.I'm going to tell you something.Yes America is the best in the world and I love it.I had a good reason to come here.I was a dental technician and have 35 five years experience to make the best implant and etc.and had my own laboratory.when I came here,I didn't know anybody and started to ask about my job.someone told me if you buy my restaurant the government can give you visa and you can bring your family here.after a few month you can sell and change it and start your main job.OK,I did it and paid him every money that I had.and worked about five months there .cook,wash,clean and without a penny profit.he works with me there for 10 days and ran away.he was cheat.I continued the job because I need the visa and a paid $4650 to a lawyer for this day the landlord came to the restaurant and said, you have to leave here and I must shut down the restaurant.because you don't have any lease with me and that man said you a lie.any way. he closed the door and save every equipment that I paid for them.I left there and work in other restaurant as a dishwasher for $100 a I live with a man, he's a cook in a is very hard for me but I'm hopeful because I'm not a child and this is my life and I must correct it by myself.I try to learn English and....I have God and he doesn't leave me alone at all.I'm sure.
    thank you for listening

    Yes to michmar118's response.  Look for opportunities to volunteer....shelters, museums, etc.  Get involved in some organization that supports a hobby, your faith, or is something you always wanted to try.  Maybe you can sign up for some classes at an adult school.  You mentioned in a previous question that your English is not really good should be able to find an ESL (English as a Second Language) that can help you improve.
    Keep looking for that job and get your family with you ASAP.  Depression is NOT a walk in the park. You DON"T want to go THERE.


    I appreciate you for your answer.sometimes I don't know what should to do.and I think if my English get better,some of my problem will done.and I have to find a friend because I need someone to hear me.everybody is looking for money and doesn't have any time for someone know the life is a little hard.any way.I'll do it because I need them.and I follow ESL form internet and it was good for me.and I come to the Victory church on Sun.and I became a christian about five months.and I'M HAPPY ABOUT IT.I'm sure everything will be fine but now is so hard for me.I'm taking too much of your time and I think I cause you tired.thanks again Mohammad Saeedi from Iran.

    You aren't taking too much of my time or making me tired. Meeting people isn't difficult, but making friends whom you trust is a whole different story. I'd like to see you work on your English in a live setting verses an internet thing. That is so cool that you became a Christian and are happy about it. I hope you grow in faith and conviction's not a walk in the park, either, but when you walk in the valley of the shadow of death (which doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to die; maybe it's a rough spot in life), God is with you. I used to panic when my mom asked me to take out the trash. We lived in the country and it was dark at night and the trash can was beyond view from the house. I would recite the 23rd Psalm all the way there and all the way back. I told myself that if I believed those words, I wouldn't run. I didn't run! cool beans

    Reach out to any church or homeless organization,..............You never have to totally alone.  Help is there,  look for it, Man!!!

    keep working at it

    Wear less red. Some people associate red with the devil.

    Get out and be friendly...


    An opinion should not be voted down. You might not agree with my answer but you should say so, not vote it down.

    You are right, I'm sorry. Associating red with the devil was a little extreme. I just thought his coloring was off to wear red. I'll change my vote.

    I don't know about extreme. I think a lot of people who see others dressed head to foot in red would think that was extreme and wonder about it. I watched Michele Obama debark the plane in England on their visit there and she was. head to foot in red. Hat, dress, shoes and purse. If she did not look like the devil's wife, I do not know who else could. But to take the edge off this, you should know I do not believe in the idea of a devil. No such thing.

    Good for you!

    I have moved a fair amount in my lifetime and the best thing to do is get involved.  Take classes that pertain to your interests.  It is very easy to make friends with like minded interests. 

    Keep your chin up. 

    Why no friends? Why no family? Getting a job although not easy, not impossible if your not a primadona.

    Well from what I have read  so far  makes me think you are off to a good  start  keep up the  good work. it'll all come together.

    When I read that, I thought I must have written it, b/c I have no family and my friends keep moving out of the Detroit area and Michigan. I thought of writing something like that many times adn putting it on here. I wish Peyman good luck . There's nothing for me to do here in a small blue collar burb of detroit. It's rough being all alone in the world.

    Have faith peyman, like you said you have God and He won't leave you alone.  r/yvonne57

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