    what do women think of men that crossdress

    +5  Views: 1581 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    if its not hurting anyone whats the problem? i dont see one

    I have no issues with it. If we have to put up with supposedly normal men walking around with their pant waist down around their knees and their boxers showing like a target for "kick me here now" then what's the issue of men dressing in womens clothing? Once upon a time, jeans and slacks were only for men and Romans wore skirts and bedsheets (togas)

    I had a European tool bag made of suede leather that looked like a woman’s purse. Many comments on that requiring me to reveal the contents…Electrical test meter, crimp tools and wire cutters etc…..nothing suggestive of a girls accessories. My GLBT friends were all sure I was crossing the street.

    As a woman, I find no issues with cross dressers as long as they do it properly....For example dont have a beard and wear a dress..... However  each woman is different (as I am sure you know lol)  and some may have a huge issue with it


    The only time you'll see a bearded cross dresser is in a comedy show I think ;)

    Nope I have seen a guy walking around with a dress and a beard lol

    Where you at walmart by chance? Have you seen some of the pictures posted of people who shop at walmart and how they are dressed? Hilarious!!!

    thats exactly where I saw it!!!! Awesome site...When ever I need to feel better about my self I always check out that page...or I watch Jerry Springer to feel better bout my life lol
    metal face

    Hey,stop making fun of me...(just kidding)I will NEVER shave my cheezy moustache!

    Well at least wash the cheese off it :P

    Colleen, where I work (northern californa)It's everything goes.. Once per year, we have this cross dresser that stops by to sell concert tickets, we really never know what he will be wearing.. last year, he came in wearing a TuTu Pink one. This guy is BIG and he is 100% masculine, I really don't think he is gay, nor do I think he believes he is a lesbian (if there is such a thing) This cross dresser I think is actually off in the head.. He's a mental case.. I think that even a genuine cross dresser would be embarrassed by this yo yo.. LOL

    The only time we seen a cross dresser was in New York city a few years ago on a water taxi form New Jersy to the city . He had on a bright red dress with red shoes and tons of makeup on.... biggest ugliest hairiest dude I ever saw...


    My mother use to yell at guys like that. She would tell them, "I have no problem with you wanting to dress like a woman but at least have some style and learn how to apply make up correctly and look and act like a woman when your dressed that way not like a mixed up juvenile!" mom, gotta love her!

    Your Mom sounds Mom is too. She is over the top British and has a lot to say about a lot to say!

    Your Mom sounds Mom is too. She is over the top British and has a lot to say about a lot to say!

    I doesn't bother me at all.  I wish I had the time to look that good and their beautiful nails!  Oh my goodness.  It's fantastic darling.

    I had a male student  that was a cross dresser. We had a strict dress code for both men and women. I had to send this young man to the chancellors office for wearing a skirt that was to short and 4 inch pumps. I had no issue with his fetish, but his dress was not to code. I don't ever recall this young man being ridiculed by his classmates.

    not an issue with me at all !

    Some cross dressers, look even more beautiful, than females.

    ed shank

    That may be, but it ain't the real deal.

    I agree...I should take lessons. I am far too casual, flip flops and all.

    Very true, Im just intrested in the way they dress, been female, and how they look in general, especially, he-girls in Thailand,some could win Miss World, if they were female.

    Why not?

    I wonder how umbriel would answer this question.

    I would stare.  No doubt about it.   I'm glad cross-dressing men are more the exception than the rule. 

    fish girl, i know what you mean, Im no different, alot cross dressers, make their living that way. Others look a mess.

    I don't know about women and what they think but often i have wondered how I would react if when i was younger and met this really cool chick and found out during an intimate moment that she was actually a he..  This had never happened to me but I do think i would be extremely upset. very!

    Some are so good in their dress and mannerisms you just can't tell!  Of course some are so obvious they are funny. But some!  I have seen some on TV and on the internet that would fool anyone, including their mother!  I don't think I would resort to violence that you hear about when something like this happens but I am sure i would have a few harsh words to express...



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