    All community members, can you help me out? Can you check for vulgar questions and post to them so I can see them and remove them, please?

    I'm trying to multitask here and I miss a lot of them before you all see them. Let's go on a hunt and round them up. Post to the silly questions like, how old are you? What's your name? What's my name?, things like that so I can remove those also.I appreciate the help. Thanks!

    Please always click the report abuse link for the vulgar questions and even comments. If I'm not here an admin will get it. Post to them also and get them moved to to the first page where I can't miss them. You can just put something as simple as Remove! You're just trying to get it to the first page.

     Vulgar user names... If you see  one, send me and e-mail with the name exactly as you see it. Vulgar names are not allowed either. You can find my e-mail address on my profile page.

    +13  Views: 1274 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    23 Answers

    Hey community members, did you know akaQA now has a blog site? You can check it out via the link marked "blog" at the bottom of this page. They made me write something about myself, well OK, they didn't actually make me, they asked and I said yes. It felt like homework. :P You are invited to send in something about yourself or a story you'd like to share or anything. Read the bog to see how.

    I made this best answer so it would stand out.


    hi Colleen just read your Blog really good I also left a comment thank you xxx

    Thanks Mel. :)

    your welcome colleen :-)

    Colleen you are so right AKAQA is meant to be a great site and is a great site and needs to be kept on track good job.

    I ll be happy to help you get rid of them.


    Thanks Ann :)

    Will do


    Thank you

    you can count on my help as well colleen..


    Thank you Daren. Much appreciated.

    Anything you wish me sweet lass!! Must of the vulgarity is from the younguns!


    Thank you my friend :)

    Gladly Colleen.

    Sure    I loathe people who use a good site for childish reasons.....


    I  report the ones I see but I will give you a holler from now on. Unfortunately I'm not on here much these days, but I still try to help when I can.


    No worries. Questions just get buried so fast here and I know those are usually the first responded to so I do miss some. Even if you find one on like page 8 or something, pop it back to the first page and report it at the same time. I appreciate all effort ;)

    brilliant idea Colleen and i want to help but freely admit im rubbish with this laptop,will it help if i do it as "report abuse?"


    It would help just as much as reporting it. ;)

    many thanks Colleen,ill do that x

    Oh and another thing....user names. If you see a vulgar one, send me and e-mail with the name exactly as you see it. Vulgar names are not allowed either.


    Thank you, will make Q&A, much more intresting.

    I edited my first comment. Posting it too for the people who have already checked here.

    Please always click the report abuse link for the vulgar questions and even comments. If I'm not here an admin will get it. Post to them also and get them move to to the first page where I can't miss them. You can just put something as simple as Remove! You're just trying to get it to the first page.

    Also, if you know how to copy/paste you can find my e-mail address on my profile page. Just send me the link to the offending question.


    I will help Colleen


    Thanks whovin. Just post to them like you do I find a lot I miss because you've posted a picture to them ;)

    What is vulgar to you?  If  I have a question about sex, will it get deleted?


    Some sex questions if written in a clean manner are allowed. Things like, "How big is my D***k? Or how to make a girl "..." or how to ____ a pu**y, the other way to spell come that means something different than come.....I think you get the picture. Anything that you would not want to be said in a social circle especially with children present. There are adult sites that people can go to for in depth sex discussions. Honest questions about E.D. are fine. Someone is just looking for an answer. Just think kids and shock value. That would be the difference.

    I don't do things for shock value. If I need to ask a question, it will be because I want an opinion or experience from someone else.

    OK, Lupe. This is more directed at the level of questions we're been receiving from people who are new users

    I'm really glad there is that "report abuse" selection.  I've already used it a few times and the response is instant.  THANK YOU. 


    Good job, Colleen. Was your request current, or is it an old post ?   I would like to see the vulgar and crazy questions and comments NOT printed, or removed quickly


    We can not stop them from being printed as of yet. Maybe in the future we can have a screener installed that denies posts that include vulgar words. Right now we just try to catch them as soon as they are posted.

    GLADLY !!!!!  Thank you, that's a great thing.

    Thank you Colleen for trying to clean this site up will do though I am not very good but I will send you email or go onto abuse asap thanks again for your imput and effort xxx


    It's a community effort Mel. It takes a village and all that ;)

    Have you checked out the new blog for akaQA yet? See the link at the bottom of this page.

    thanks Colleen will have a look at the new link now thanks xxx

    I dropped a dime on one yesterday.

    You seem to be doing a good job, site is really clean......Thanks


    Thank you Randy. Having people post to the vulgar topics when they know I'm around has helped a lot. I've even gotten an e-mail or two pointing out comments that are not acceptable on this forum. This also helps. :)

    Have you checked out the new blog for akaQA yet? See the link at the bottom of this page.

    we don't know your email address, Colleen.




    Colleen.. I love you for being you.. Anything I can do to help, I am always here for you!


    Thanks Jenn, much love to you too! I know I said "help me out" but it's more, "help all the members out". If we all work together, then we can keep this site clean and a good place for people to come to that have real questions and issues.

    Yes I know what you meant... but you should always know you are appriciated!

    Thanks again sweetie. You're appreciated too :)

    Have you checked out the new blog for akaQA yet? See the link at the bottom of this page.

    Yes I did!!!..... That is why I said I love you for being you!!!!!


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