    why are women shocked when they discover a man can do more in the kitchen then just boil water?

    there is still the age old myth,that the kitchen is just a woman's place.  As far as the cooking of said meals. Like every guy on the planet is stove top stupid.just here to be served.

    +5  Views: 919 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: meals

    12 Answers

    When my husband was still alive, he was the best cook and everything he cooked was absolutely amazing. Baking- no. He tried to make me an Apple Pie and I had to use a hammer and chisel to get through the crust. It was hilarious.

    Could be that most guys DO think they are here to be served.  Not ALL guys.

    Apparently I have the ability to get mixed up with guys who CAN cook.  OR they all think I need help. It's probably six of one, half dozen of the other.  In any case, it's fun to be together in the kitchen.  Sometimes you can get things cooking that aren't on or in the stove !!!!!!!!


    With a little bottle of wine can help.

    goes without saying, but glad you brought it up!!Beringer's for me....easy to please

    What???  You can boil water without burning it?? Send me the secret.

    Because most men claim they can not cook just to get the "little woman" to cook for them. Sexism and chauvinists still exist even in this day and age.

    I am completely cooking stupid. I don't really enjoy eating, it takes up too much time, I will eat just about anything, I've never been a fussy eater. The microwave has been a Godsend for me. I would have starved to death long ago had it not been for that machine now that I'm home alone most of the day. Neighbors also help in keeping me alive. They use me as a Guinea pig for recipes they've never tried before.

    id be shocked if my sons couldnt cook. they were always in the kitchen nosing around

    I'm a great cook. Kraft dinner grilled sandwich, Kraft dinner on the BBQ, Kraft dinner onion rings some time if it works and i do my dishes

    I wasn't shocked when my husband first cooked dinner for me.  He is a great cook.  It's wonderful.


    Lucky girl...

    Just like men are shocked when we found out there are female wrestlers capable of breaking men's necks.

    I guess it's kind of the same feeling men get when they realize a woman can change a tire and do an oil change, or fix different things around the house when they break down.

    My mans only allowed in the kitchen to wash up and with all the noise that goes with it,  its not even worth it, but ill put up with that cause theres no way im going to to do it.


    You must let me cook for you some day, kimba. I make fantastic fried rice and fried noodle dishes, not to mention curry.

    What are you talking about? The world's greatest chefs are all male.

    If you took out the trash one in a while, maybe he'd whip you up a mouth-watering veal picata.

    Until then, keep bitchin'

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