    what is the ref life of a cooked chicken

    0  Views: 179 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

      My wife and I had an umm disagreement the other day. I had a 6 day old roasted chicken in the fridge that I was going to eat. She said that she thought it too old to be safe. I said, basically it is cooked, as long as it smells ok, it should be ok. When I pointed out that we eat lunch meat that is that old all the time, she said that is because it is full of preservatives (which i don't think is always the case).
    Nevertheless, I ate the chicken, the wife and kids stayed away and no ones mind was changed.
    So, is there a rule of thumb for leftover poultry? Anyone?

    Fried or Plain Chicken, Pieces
    Store at 32-35° F
    Refrigerator storage life: 3-4 days
    Freezer storage life: 4 months

    Cooked Poultry Dishes
    Refrigerator storage life: 3-4 days
    Freezer storage life: 4-6 months

    Pieces Covered With Broth, Gravy
    Store at 32-35° F
    Refrigerator storage life: 1-2 days
    Freezer storage life: 6 months

    Chicken Nuggets, Patties
    Store at 32-35° F

    Refrigerator storage life: 1-2 days
    Freezer storage life: 1-3 months

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