    which is better?forgive and forget or get revenge?

    +11  Views: 1732 Answers: 32 Posted: 13 years ago

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    i try to forgive. forgetting is not easy, especially if that person has a track record. i tend to feel that i need to watch my back after things happen


    Once bitten, twice shy.

    Forgive and's easier said than done.  Taking a revenge on someone takes a lot of energy.

    I'd have to say that it really depends on the situation.

    Depends on the situation. Deliberately hurt me or mine, and you will be in a world of hurt. I can look the other way and avoid that person from that point on. But again it depends on the situation.

    Ideally it is to forgive and forget.  But it is difficult in practice.  Revenge is a bad choice of action whcih should be avoided if at all possible. 


    revenge and vengence bring bad karma,however if you seek justice with humor and the universe laughs you escape bad karma . I want what I do to be funny so if you whine and tell the story all who hear it will laugh .This helps if it gets to court. Then I have justice and vengence as well .

    Good point!

    oh Benchong, but sometimes it is so deserved

    Mental revenge is great! But in the meanwhile, forgive and forget...


    Wish I could give you 60 karma points. This is exactly how I feel, said perfectly.

    agree with you jhharlan. this is how normally i go about.

    Forgive and forget...... but watch your back.

    All ways in life fore give and move on.

    Don't get mad,Get even! LOL. I don't remember ever actively seeking revenge but the opportunity for revenge has presented itself a couple of times. In one case about 30 years down the track.

    Depending on how bad the injustice that was done to me was I probably would never look for revenge. But I would remember it.Just to be sure that person never got the opportunity to do it again,either to me or to someone else.

    Some things you can forgive,some things you can't. When someone has lied & schemed against you for their own gain it's hard to forgive.

    Carmaxable is right.Forgive if you can.Never forget.


    I dont understand:To forgive means at some point with the passage of time the wrong becomes right . If it was wrong on the first day it will be wrong on the 100th day as well thats my feeling. Why do you advoid a mean ass dog ??? Because that thing will bite hard ,so will I !!!!!!!!

    Here is the key words Bluesman."Forgive if you can".
    It's just not worth worrying over the little stuff.
    I posted a Question about 9/11 this morning.
    That is one event I will never forgive because of the trauma it caused me & my family.
    Some things are unforgivable

    Tommyh, some people do not deserve forgiving, and sometimes things are just unforgivable

    Never forget or forgive  ever . Vengence need not be in blood but there needs to be some with the pecker woods that populate the planet these days .I am all for creative vengence and justice on a personel level . Justice system is ineffective and useless .There should be a permit for do it yourself old school justice.


    i think the same thing. police are a laugh, courts are injustice

    Can you take care of my stupid neighbors for me? :)

    Maybe there could be a "Code for Revenge"; it would set some legal limits on revenge, just to keep it from turning into a felony.

    Its hard to forgive but I will always forgive but I am sorry I dont forget!


    Hi Pamela thanks :-)

    Neither.  Just ignore.

    Now, I believe in forgiveness, but I'm no fool. The person that wrong you, might do a repeat performance.I will always be looking for it. If it was out of character, or out of not knowing any better, sure. I'll forget. That's life, you learn as you go.

    Revenge..... I can't tell you. One day this might show up in court and hang me!

    I don't believe in harming anyone. If someone harms my family, rape, stalking,hit and run-left for dead....I will give the legal system their change to right the wrong.


    Please draw the line at castration.

    I was thinking of a more permanent solution.
    I don't want to watch my back.
    I did got a laugh from your comment.

    Remember some people have it harder in life then you, or they my be having a bad Day at that time. All ways fore give.

    Forgive but remember so it never happens again.  Revenge is for the Universe...what goes around really does come around and you don't need bad Karma.  Do something nice for someone it forward and change the course.


    answers like this are the reason there are small islands of sanity in the world.I agree with you about karma .Disagree in part about revenge . When you live long enough years of injustice stack up and you start drawing lines in the sand.As the years go by you are willing to put up with much less with each day.Life makes you hard and intolerant,jaded as well. The words you write are true and I thank you for taking the time to write them for all to see. Bill

    Yes, never forget. And don't forget, someone else can screw you over just like you've been had before. The wolf comes in disguises other than sheep.

    It amazes me how often the words someone posts here just hit home for me right when I needed to hear those very words. :D

    Serendipity. :)

    Depending on  who or what  has done something to me  depends  upon  what  action I'd take in return, I have always tried to  treat people as I 'd like to be treated, but  I also believe in eye for an eye  also.

    It is easier to forgive most things but the forgetting is hard.  But I heard a preacher say if you forgive, and then the old feeling comes up again, don't worry about it.  You have forgiven==forgetting is hard and you try to get past it. 

    Getting revenge is never a good thing but like one of the others said, watch your back.

    I forgive,and then i sit back and let the universe dish out the punishment.

    Life is too short to worry about revenge apart from the fact it can have a chain reaction that comes back to bite you on the bum.

    Forget if you can and fogive if there are reasonable grounds to do so.

    everyone seems to be saying that forgiveness is the best thing to do but i say get your revenge as long as you can handle reprocussions. im a strong believer in tit for tat.  ive been the victim for far too long and now its time that i blow my top lol. FTW

    There is no doubt about it, revenge is sweet!

    Forgiveness is probably best if you can. I had a friend who worked for me for 10years and I found out he had been stealing from me. He still lives near me but I just ignore him and his wife, I can't forgive him and I will never forget. I did want revenge at first but that feeling has almost gone now, I would never help him if he needed help though, so I have not forgiven him just can't.

    Forgive is the best forgetting I do not know about if you forgot completely would that not make that person able to do you that way again?  Dunno, but forgiving is easier said than done, but revenge is not the route it usually backfires and on you like the old saying revenge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies, it only does you harm not them.


    In my experience, once you have (truly) forgiven someone, it's easy to forget because the hurt is not longer there.

    Winfla I hope one day to attain that myself for I have a lot of hurts and pain to overcome and I am truly trying it is not from lack of trying believe me.

    Being willing to forgive comes first, because the hurt may be too great. Once you are willing to forgive, comes acceptance. And that includes accepting your Self in the situation, especially when you are a victim. This is sometimes next to impossible. But it's a process. It may take years. But forgiving is always, always the way to personal peace, and that's what we all want, right? Not revenge.

    Forgiveness is always ,best even though it may be hard to forget, but revenge is up to the lord..

    Sometimes the person you forgive couldn't care less, so the forgiveness is for your own peace of mind, soul, and body.  It is a generous gesture on your part; "I forgive you for being a total MF'g SOB" is how I'm picturing it for the latest person who thinks it's OK to screw me over (easier than relating details).  
    I forgive alot of people who don't care how much I'm hurt or angered.  I stay P.O. at myself for allowing the situation to arise again.  Like I commented to fish girl," The wolf comes in disguises other than a sheep."  
    Revenge plays out in my mind, but those people are not worth the time or effort.   


    Bob; Life is a curious adventure. Your words have come at a perfect time for me today. You are absolutely right about that damned Wolf.
    I just have to shake my head...? Again? Not this time.

    Thanks Bob. :)

    The bible tells us to forgive our enemies.

    "If one smites thee turn then other cheek, for vengeance is mine saith the Lord.   I will take an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth."


    I can forgive, I never, ever forget and unfortunately find revenge is sweet. Loving it at the moment with a staff at work, Ive just let her dig herself a hole so big I doubt she'll ever crawl out, sounds bad and nasty but I consider it is true karma

    " Forgive But Not Forget ! "

    Revenge as nothing else tastes as sweet as knowing you got even,

    I never forget!

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