    ed shank .... Hoping you're high n dry bud!

    Rain ... rain ... and more rain!

    +2  Views: 793 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    ed shank

    I'm about to grow gills. Never seen so much rain as we've had lately. My swimming pool has a foot of water over it. Can't understand where this water is coming from, I live on top of a mountain and I mean the top.

    4 Answers

    Ten years ago, the town river overflowed and made national news. The river was about five miles from my house. I guess press from all over was down photographing our humungous California flood. 

    My brother called me all excited and upset  from Tennessee 

    "Are you and the family ok, itsmee?"

    "Uh what?" I asked

    "The flood! the flood! has it reached your house?" he screamed.

    I knew nothing about the flood. It had happened during the night and I had just awakened at ten am.




    CB, there's a lot of people up this way that would love to send you some of our rain.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you, Flip.

    Are in an area where the draught is? I saw it on TV and it looks like the desert.

    edshank:: We are waiting for your answer.

    country bumpkin: how far are you from the fire?

    country bumpkin

    I'm okay. I'm a couple of hours away from any big fires. Are you a member of the Red Hat Ladies club? We have one here in the US.
    ed shank

    Answers in the question box above.

    Good to see you're ok ED. I knew your area was getting hammered.

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