    identify the two main areas of Human resources management

    0  Views: 436 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    There are 4 areas. I guess it's up to you to decide which 2 are more important. 

    Every company has its own human resource management department. However, this department is typically divided into four different sections so that focus can be given to each aspect equally. These four different areas of the department include the employment, the training and the development, the compensation and the benefits as well as the relations of the employee. All these four different areas hold importance in some ways or the other and one cannot run without the other. In fact, the success of the company depends on the proper organization and management of these areas effectively.

    These four different areas of the human resource management have specific functions to perform. As the name indicates, the employment department is in charge of hiring people for the company as and when required. This area looks into the fact that the right candidate is selected at the right time. On the other hand, the next area- training and development starts functioning after the recruitment of the candidates have been done. There are qualified professionals who are in charge of imparting training and educations to the fresher and thereby help in essential development of the skill required for the company.

    As far as the compensation and the benefit area of the human resource management is concerned, the main task is to look into the fact that all the employees are getting the right emoluments and benefits as promised to them by their company. Last but not the least, the employee relations area looks into the fact that a good and healthy relation is maintained between the employer and the employee as well as between the co-employees. This helps in effective management and the functioning of the company. This in turn leads to the success and profit of the organization in general.

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