1 Answer
Click the "My Game Club" tab at the top of the page. This takes you to your main account page.
Click the blue link on in the bottom left box that says "Cancel My Membership." This will prompt attempts by Big Fish Games to entice you to keep your account. Continue to click "Cancel" until you get to the page that says, "Your Big Fish Game Club membership is now canceled."
Select the reason for your cancellation by clicking the box next to the appropriate option. Then click "Submit."
Delete your billing information to ensure that no future membership fees will be charged. Do this by clicking the "Billing and Shipping" tab on the top toolbar. Then click "Delete" under your payment information.
Read more: How to Cancel My Big Fish Games Account | eHow http://www.ehow.com/how_7222447_cancel-big-fish-games-account.html#ixzz2TW40YgSD
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |