13 Answers
He's a territorial fish...go by the salt water rule...one inch of fish per 10 gallons of water and make sure he has lots of hiding places. You probably won't see him much but he will be happy. ... Oh and don't fry him up. He's been in a fish tank for a long time and his flesh will be mushy. Not good eating I'm afraid.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
he is a nightmare our fish!!! as a baby he gobbled up my goldfish,since then hes been on his own but now hes a good 16" long and has just flitted again to a massive tank.the last time he changed tanks he jumped out of his bucket and had a run round the living room carpet!!(not joking,the common name is walking catfish.)On the up side hes absolutely beautiful,i may curse him out but wouldnt want to not have him!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
thats true!!what annoys me is i clean up after my dog when we go on the field near our house.Youd be surprised how many people dont seem to.So why do i get dirty looks??Annoys me!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
i couldnt eat him!!!!itd be like eating my dog!!!!wish i knew how to get pictures of him on here,hes gorgeous!!Get pictures?i havent found the apostrophe key yet!!!!!And well not even mention capital letters!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
country bumpkin no no no!!!!!!!you cannot eat my catfish!!!!but if you ask me very nicely ill let you stand at the side of his tank and call him!!!rattling his food pot always gets his attention too! :) (i ought to give you an upside down smile AND thumbs down for even THINKING about eating him!!!!) itd be like eating family!mind you ,on balance.........!
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |