    Should Censorship be Banned on akaQA ?

    Upon returning from a long-weekend getaway, the little "red dot" alerted me that several answers to my question were awaiting my read. But low and behold, the " 404" error message appeared, which I know signifies that the question was removed, or censored, by the "administrator". I have no idea what was posted nor who decided to play Judge Judy or Joe but was that REALLY necessary?

    Whatever happened to FREE SPEECH ? Is THIS question going to be censored too ?

    What is your view on akaQA censorship?

    +9  Views: 1203 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Censorship should be as limited as possible, and "vulgar" language should be deleted. George Carlin's list of the 7 forbidden words for TV would be the ones to censor.

    Unfortunately, the original moderator had no one censoring her heavy-handed antics and propensity for ramming her opinions down everyone's throat. 


    I didn't think that Ducky was THAT bad.

    I got deleted last time for daring to give an answer to question,of a {{dubious}} nature ,on saying {{Give us a kiss and i will tell you,}}

    @Bob....The 'original moderator' liked nothing better than to argue with everyone, everyday. She also loved to pretend that she was in daily contact with "the admin", who shared and discussed all of their business decisions with her! Ppphhhhhtttttt.....

    @hector....With your great imagination, you should be a writer! (Poor, poor little you....always being picked on when you're so innocent.)

    @digger....Ducky WAS that bad. That's why she quit!

    @Ducky ;-)

    Open can.
    Worms escape.

    ... time to go fishin' then ... lol

    Yes there should be censorship Digger,But only for you. I find you rude crude & terribly funny.They will probably 404 this answer because It looks like I am victimizing you.


    Not at all. We all love it when digger gets 'victimized". He deserves it. LOL!!

    Oh,great. One of the very few members I thought was on my side and even HE wants to shut me up!
    THANKS, PAL.! :-(

    .... poor digger! ;O

    Stop it lindi!!! :)

    whoopseedaisy! Dang that digger... LOL

    That's better....waaaaay better....

    You have a side?


    Censorship can be a tricky assignment-- It depends on one's standard morals of acceptability.  I agree that the standard idiotic questions regarding sex and the usage of the F word as many other non-sex related slurs and attacks should be censored-- Just where do you draw that line??

    A young girl posts-- 'What is F**K? and spells it out.. You could take this as immature, idiot or could it be a curious child asking about when she heard on the street? afraid to say it to her parents?? Should this be censored??

    Then again, we are not a Child day Care Center but there's not an age check at the door either. I think common sense censorship..  I think that member bashing is another one, anytime a member bashes another member it should be controlled. I see that a lot here..  

    Yes and I do appreciate the screening that is in place on this site. There is in my view a lot of hostility and negativity on the net and I like that the site is getting us away from that element. Plus a younger audience can use akaQa safely because of the monitors here.

    country bumpkin

    Welcome to aka Taj, hope you are enjoying the experience. It used to be a lot busier here, but this is still a most wonderful site.

    My welcome, also. It's nice to see a new face. Hope you'll enjoy being here. I always say those still here are the best ones. (Yes, I miss some very fine folks, too)

    How can we ever expect to engage in any meaningful debate without someone getting offended or insulted? It is such a low, subjective threshold that unless a short list of very specific,measurable guidelines are spelled out, ANY controversial comment can be interpreted as being offensive.

    Just WHO exactly is/are administrating the site?


    I just get e-mails from the akaQA team. I do not even know who they are. Grandpa3 was warned by an administrator in an e-mail sent to him to back off with the religious questions designed to cause conflict and to stop using the forum to preach his religion on. He chose to ignore the warning and commented that the devil followers were trying to silence his truths. He insulted the administrators. That along with the complaints against him is what got him suspended. You were away when all this happened.
    The administrators/owners of akaQA pay to have this site on the internet. It is not free for them but it is free for us. That gives them the right to set the rules here.

    Except that maybe next time around, they'll view MY comments as being offensive to another Granpa3-like contributor.

    No, your comments were fine. You gave much more valid answers than the questions he asked. You do not push the few rules and you counter with well formed opinions. You're fine. Grandpa3 was off base by referring to akaQA too many times as a Christian forum. It is not. It was not just one thing he did, it was many and he got 3 warnings. Two posted and one by e-mail. He was even suspended for 10 days to let him know he needed to stop pushing before he was suspended permanently. The admins are fair whether you can see it or not.

    I am in total support of free speach here.I am not in favor of an adult using abusive language in a school yard(I E).Some users of this site do not have the courtesy or dignity to police themselves.I am in complete support of the Bill of Rights.But there are times and places whare there must be a threshold,and when this threshold is crossed how else can it be dealt with.This is my opinion.I wish I had a solution.

    Are you saying questions you asked were removed?  I can tell you, I have never removed any of your questions.

    Questions that get removed are questions that do not fit the profile of akaQA. Members that get suspended bring it on themselves by not conforming to the few guidelines of this forum. Once a member is suspended permanently, then all questions and answers they ever posted are removed along with their account.

    Freedom of speech is allowed within reason. The administrators of akaQA have had to draw a line due to some of the questions and comments posted here. There is no censorship. Just the protection of all members to not have to put up with certain questions or comments made here.



    colleen r u like a co in this q&a and if so wat r the guidlines just so i dont go affending anyone i mean i do have morals and respect to others but i still like to put it out there sometimes im new and plan on helping others as much as i can

    I suppose that technically, my question was a "comment" worded as a question and directed at the author of the original "question" who happened to be Granpa3. The red dot told me that he and several others commented on my comment. What they said, I'll never know because someone decided that I shouldn't.

    @ Chopped:
    Not allowed.
    Vulgar comments or questions. Questions designed to create and promote religious wars. Questions or comments designed to belittle other people be they sexist or an attack on that persons way of life if the way of life is allowed by law. Racists comments or questions.
    akaQA is a diverse community. The administrators do their best to ensure that all feel welcome here and must respond to any question or comment that has been flagged as offensive or abusive by community members. Anyone who uses the forum as a platform or pulpit to push their personal agenda and attempt to force others to think like they think are not welcome. People can disagree with viewpoints and give their personal opinion(s) but they can not do so in an insulting manner such as the most recent use of "blasphemers, haters and devil followers" that covered any member who did not follow the teachings of Jehovah Witnesses. That person is no longer with us.

    @ Digger, Grandpa3 is no longer with us because he was insulting too many members with his agenda and use of "blasphemers, haters and devil followers" for anyone who went against his agenda. Once his account was removed, all his questions and answers went away too. There were many reports and complaints filed against him.

    ok i kinda understand all of that so am i to assume there were a few people removed today due to somethings that were sed on a few ? relating to blakes being hated

    Those will be removed. I wanted to leave them for a bit so everyone could have their say against the ignorant ones. I use them as targets for the members to blow off steam on. I have them marked and will ban them ;)

    This is a private site. The owner(s) count(s) on advertising revenues and they try to attract advertisers who would be offended by racism, pornography, etc.  Censorship accordingly, should not be banned here.


    A worldwide private site?

    I agree with censorship, there has to be some kind of guide lines.


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