    what does orange color meaning

    0  Views: 871 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

     is a color which is formed by mixing red and yellow. It is a color which symbolizes energy, zest, enthusiasm and creativity. One who wears orange is known to be someone who loves to experiment. Orange is also an appetite stimulant.

    The color orange signifies an open-minded approach. It gives vibes of friendship, fun and informality. Sexually speaking, the color orange signifies passion and foreplay, an adjunct to the color red which signifies erotica. If red is the color of passion, then orange is known to be the 'igniter' of passion. The color orange certainly draws attention as being liberal and unconventional. It is also known to be an immune booster. No wonder, one sees tonics, sexual stimulants and immunity boosting medicines sold usually in orange colored packs.


    The color orange is a mixture of yellow and red and shares some of their attributes. It signifies warmth, friendship, practicality and liveliness. Orange is a stimulating color, it stimulates emotions and stands for the change in seasons. It signifies autumn, lying between the warmth of summer and the cool of winter. It is a color that demands attention without screaming for it. It's found in nature in the leaves of autumn, in the setting sun and in the flesh of oranges. It is warm as red but more friendlier and less passionate, it defines friendship, warmth and goodwill just as red symbolizes love and passion.


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