    how do i know if my husband is gay? What are the signs

    0  Views: 563 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Your husband could be bisexual. It's hard to tell. I wouldn't risk having oral sex with him, you don't know where 'it's' been. He may have male friends of whom you do not know about. There are mobile telephones where you can trace where a person is all day long. Why don't you buy him a nice new mobile. Another thing about bisexuals they tend to ridicule men who are gay. So if he does that, beware. On more thing, you can get throat cancer from having oral sex. You can check it out on the net.

    Wow this sounds familiar. Mine was a former boyfriend i had to let go for this reason. hiding his phone. Finding websites that he went too. I started asking ?s while watching a movie do you u think he is good looking to see his response. emotions change and he started acting shut down . likes things that are taboo to most men. doesn"t look  at me like most other men look at me. wants most everything from the back. lack of kissing. I realized I started making excuses for the way he acted. Just keep your eyes open and know that most the time if u are at this point of asking complete strangers you have series concerns that he may be. My prayers are with ya.

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