    how long to boil corn on the cob

    +1  Views: 409 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Not long at all; b/c you want it to be a little crunchy and crisp, but not hard. To acheive this, you put the corn in a pot. Let it come up to a boil. After it's at a good, rolling boil, you turn it down on med-low for only about 5 min. Then you take it out and put it in a strainer, then on a plate and let people put their own butter and salf and pepper on . As least, that's the way we do it in Mich. And we have some of the best sweet corn in the whole country.


    I can tell you have nice strong teeth. I need mine soft and mushy, :o)

    My variation isn't much different.  I add some sugar to the water; it helps sweeten the corn some.  The water is room temp (whatever comes out of the tap).  Bring it to a rolling boil. Turn off the heat and cover the pot for about 10 minutes.

    Yummy with butter, salt and pepper.  Yummy Yum Yum. 

    ten minutes normally

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