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    i am 63 married for 40 years, been together for 46. Want to be alone and peacefull with someone that also alone and does not want to put up with soooo much pain from family. Please call me at (removed by moderator). Do not call until after ten am tomorrow. thank you.

    0  Views: 279 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    You know what, Penelope Wagner, you do not have to stay married to someone whose company you do not enjoy,  4 years or 46 years.  The fact that you want to sneak around behind your husband's back is really distasteful.  I'm glad this question sat here for a year with no response. 

    And another thing, what makes you think someone who is alone is going to be all excited to quietly, peacefully, with someone who can't be honest.  I don't know what your pain-inflicting family has done, but I'll bet you are just as guilty as any of them.   

    And putting your phone number on a world wide website looking for someone to shack up with at 63.....that's incredibly immature and irresponsible.  

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