    Do you like Obama? If so, why? If not, why?

    Do you like Obama? If so, why? If not, why?

    +2  Views: 3260 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Hello Eddina, thank you for voting one of my questions up. This ia a good question of yours. I will give you my thumbs up vote. Hope we might chat again.

    13 Answers

    no, I dont think he has any respect for his country, his office his race. I also think he is more interested in being remimbered rather than doing what would best serve this country.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    I am afraid you might be right. We will see good answer TU, sweetheart.

    He now thinks he is a judge. He now says he will no longer enforce DOMA because he believes it is unconstitutional. Last time I looked he was President of the United States (unfortunately for us) not Judge of the U.S. He is not a part of the judicial branch and so has no right to do this. He will do anything he feels gives him a chance for re-election;even if this means not obeying the laws. He is set on pushing his agendas on all Americans regardless whether he has the right or not. What next;King Obama? This man is by far one of the worse presidents ever. The only thing he is good at is traveling all over the place all of the time. He will end up being the most traveled president ever!!!

    Eddina Symns

    Good answer mrcub14.

    He's personable. Probable a cool guy to hang out with and probable tells a mean joke. But being President is no joking matter. He missed the mark on that.

    Psalm 109:8 

    The hate rhetoric here is a strong indication that we have a serious problem, either side, Obama bashing, Bush bashing, Limbaugh haters, MSNBC haters and haters of Fox News..

    First off, neither left or right 'entertainment' news affiliates report the 'news' The accuracy of news is dependent on our own ability to filter out the 'lean'.. Obviously Fox has a conservative view as MSNBC has a liberal view. It's all entertainment, you will select the entertainment that suits your beliefs and condemn anyone that does not believe your views. (or the views of your entertainment news of choice) So many times I listen to my friends say, I hate Hannity but when I ask if they ever watch him they say no, he's too stupid to watch, same thing with Rachael Maddow and etc, it makes no sense to just .. to 'follow the piper' as I think so many do.. I have a party affiliation but I also have my own mind and I rationalize both sides because i think both sides have valid points. I try to understand a person's reasoning for being left or right on agendas but I am appalled at either side that thinks the way to success is by bashing the other side that has a different view. There's a reason for a 2 party system, if both sides agree on everything then clearly one side isn't needed, a dictatorship? Where you and I may disagree, we must agree to disagree..

    Absolutely! I strongly agree with Gary. He sums it up very well. Two thumbs-up, Gary!!!

    Say what you will about President Obama. I believe he's one of the best President's we ever had!!!

    Try walking in his shoes, it ain't easy being President Barak Obama. I guess he would say, walk with me and see what this journey is like!!!


    That's my opinion so respect that! By the way I said, Obama is one of the best President's we ever had. As far as smoking something bad, maybe you are on that new drug (Charlie Sheen) for making this statement. No pund intended, it is what it is. Peace!!!

    Headless Man

    Republicans screwed up healthcare, unbelievable that you could say that.
    Why not just blame Bush.


    Did you forget that Bush (2) travelled overseas many, many times. National healthcare went the way of the Republicans. They screwed it up and screwed the people as they've been doing for the past 12+ years.


    Are you brain dead. If he were the best president this country ever had we would not be in existence at this point in history. He travels everywhere on our dime and doesn't follow through with any of his proposals. What happen to National Health Care...Nowhere! To get elected again he will do whatever he thinks will get him the most votes. This is one horrible and useless president and if you don't see this you must be smoking something bad!!!!!

    Barry the usurper...No
    But he hates me more.

    President Obama is doing what he can with what he inherited from Bush and his cronies. Unfortunately, the economy stinks and he's getting the blame. Look at the price of gas now. NEARLY $4.00 GAL. How can we continue to grow when this will cause a helluva inflation problem by raising prices on everything. There are too many idiot who listen to Beck, Limbaugh and the like and believe every word they say. Try listening to the liberal commentators and learn something. There are two out there who are active and intelligent regarding the events of today. Of course, there are more. Find them and listen. Judge by facts, not lies. (One is ED SCHULTZ and the other is THOM HARTMAN.


    I think I was just called an idiot...


    Facts are like sand, you can build a castle of out it but truth washes it away eventually. But here's a fact, Obama's personal five henchmen all work for Wallstreet, and one of them is the CEO of the Federal Reserve, the private bank that owns America. Obama is a Wallstreet man.


    Facts are like sand, you can build a castle of out it but truth washes it away eventually. But here's a fact, Obama's personal five henchmen all work for Wallstreet, and one of them is the CEO of the Federal Reserve, the private bank that owns America. Obama is a Wallstreet man. =] your facts are not reliable criteria, I would be careful about what 'facts' you rely on.


    Facts are like sand, you can build a castle of out it but truth washes it away eventually. But here's a fact, Obama's personal five henchmen all work for Wallstreet, and one of them is the CEO of the Federal Reserve, the private bank that owns America. Obama is a Wallstreet man. your facts are not reliable criteria, I would be careful about what 'facts' you rely on. Obama has not kept his promise on anything he said he would do, another fact. =]


    Get your facts straight. The Federal Reserve controls the money but it's not a private bank. Yes, it controls the currency, etc. but that's it. I do agree there are too many Wall Street appointees. It's unfortunate. He's been getting the wrong assistance from his advisers

    He's one handsome puppet though isn't he? =]


    I have to agree he is prob the best looking pres we have ever had.


    Yes, a good distraction for the public. With him and Justin Barbie all over the press, who cares about gaining real awareness?

    Only almost half black. But he's using his "blackness" to his advantage.


    "Blackness" is NEVER an advantage.

    Thank you very much.

    I like that he's black

    Headless Man

    That makes you a racist doesn't it? To like or dislike someone because of race.


    never thought of it that way but ithink you right

    I like him. No idea why, though. I'm totally stupid concerning politics. The way he looks I guess, and the way he speaks. I find him charismatic.


    Do you vote?? ACK!!!

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