    What do you do when you love someone so much it hurt's?What do you do if that person had berated you and you still love him?What do you do if it seem's he has moved on and you are holding on for dear life?Just how do you stop the pain?

    0  Views: 717 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Deal with emotional pain by delving into it, making friends with it, feeling it until it stops and you are on the other end of it. If you able to do this, there will be gold on the other end.Here is the gold at the end of emotional pain. Imagine the freedom you would have if you were no longer afraid of feeling emotional pain. If you are single you might be willing to get out there and date more, because you would know you can tolerate the pain of rejection and the pain of not meeting the right person. Or perhaps you would get single and happy, knowing that you could tolerate the pain of loneliness.

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