    ok. here is a good one. my friend's cockatoo flew out of his house for 6 hours, and finally made it back. hitting the screen door and managed to make it back to his cage. MY QUESTION = How did Paco make it back. we looked all over for him.

    0  Views: 512 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cockatoos.

    3 Answers

    He's an Aussie.He's smarter than you think! And he knows where the tucker (Aussie for food) Is.

    Did the Cockatoo write that??

    damn it, I'll answer it myself, he likes tim hortons coffee cups to chew on, mickey empty bottles which he can take the caps off of and get that half teaspoon of vodka in him. go for a trip and come back home like the rest of the house of the battered men do.  we are a rare bunch., he just feels at home. Great reading.  hyst wait,  infolicious. 

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