    how to help my son with his addiction of alcoholism

    +2  Views: 813 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    This is a terrible disease. There is nothing you can do to help him If he does not want to quitt,  Dont give him money, for that enables him even more. You  can try contacting someone from AA in your area and see what they suggest.. Sometimes they have to hit rock bottom, before they look for help with theire addiction/


    Ann ~ A great answer. My dad was an alcoholic. It never really showed too much. He didn't beat us up or get in wrecks or anything. As he got older, his health slowly declined. He was a writer and he started to make too many errors. He finally got sick and went to the hospital and there he died in three days. Cirhossis. He had never been to the doctor before!
    About a month before he died he told me he was dying and would not reach 65. (he didn't) I thought he'd told everyone. Actually, he hadn't told anyone but me! Terrible.

    Itsmee, I am sorry about your father dying so young. Years ago it was not considered a disease and also people never asked for help it was kind of a stigma, My Exhusband was a severe violent alcoholic and my children still suffer and have nightmares. He died 5 yrs. ago. I forgave him on his deathbed, so I could move on with my life. I understand that you can not help an alcoholic, unless they want to do it for themselves.

    Its Called Tough Love get him Rehab if you can as Colleen said do not be an enabler good luck

    Good luck

    Never allow him excuses for drinking! Do not be an enabler and give in!

    It’s called “Intervention” and can be achieved by attending classes on the subject. Basically, you get the subject into a room filled with people who have observed him “in action”. You start with a loving word or two, explain what you’ve seen them do and end with love, something like that. The group who taught me said they never lost a patient with this method. We should have used it on my sister…...


    Not everyone can accept intervention.

    I watch it on TV. But , I've read about before the TV show came out.It's good think people are more educated about it now ; and it's more out in the open so we can talk about it.

    If he does not think he has a problem,there is nothing you can do for him,when he hits the bottom and believes he needs help,that's when you ask him if he would like to go to an AA Meeting,,and let it go from do i know this,??? my name is Terryfossil,and i am an Alcoholic..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Or go the hard way for him. Take him to local jail for tour.

    Zepeda, I don't think you can help him until he reaches rock bottom and wants to be helped. It's tough to quit drinking, b/c they have withdrawal symptoms, just like a drug addict.

    Pray he hits rock bottom soon and hard. Then and only then is there the slightest chance of recovery.

    ALANON is a support group for friends and family members of people with alcohol abuse issues.You should be able to find the phone number in your local directory or your local hospital may have the number.God bless and good luck!

    This is the most common question asked by many parents these days. Being known that their son is alcohol addict, any parents will eager to know the right way to help them. Addiction is a terrible disease which can be a cycle of self destruction and can lead anyone toward death. That’s why it’s important to take essential step early so that it gets control overtime.  
    1.    Talk to your son positively, do set boundaries and let them aware about the harmful effects of alcohol on their health.
    2.     Don’t force for anything, just simply spend time with him and keep him busy in some activities during spare time.  
    3.    Take professional help, there are rehabilitation center like Greenestone where therapist will do intervention and give effective treatment for it.
    4.    Boost his confidence to make a real change in life.

    To stop your son addiction first you need to try and if you failed to control him, it's time to introduce your son to a drug addiction rehab center. Check out Canadian Center for drug addiction, they provide good addiction recovery service.

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