    Am i a bad mother

    0  Views: 722 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Please don't ask! If you have to ask, chances are yes!

    Assuming you are a mother, let me ask it this way.....

    If you were a child, would you want you to be your mom?
    If you were your kid's teacher, would you want to deal with YOU as the parent?
    If you had to critique yourself as a parent, what would you say?

    If you want to be a GOOD mom, what do you need to do?  Are you doing that?
    If you want to be a GOOD mom, how do you need to feel?  Do you feel that?

    Daisy is right....if you have to ask........


    If you love,nurture,protect,provide and you give your child 100% of your time,i would say you are not doing to bad at all,these are some of the things that make up a good parent.However nobody is perfect and parenting can be a tuff job.Practice the above mentioned and you will be a good mom,oh and of course refrain from drug and alcohol abuse as children should not be exsposed to an environment like that.



    Go to the public library get a book on child development, it will help.

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